Welcome to Mental Illness in YA Month on Once Upon a Bookcase!
The whole month of July is dedicated to YA novels that feature mental illness. As someone who as anxiety, representation of mental illness in YA is something that is very important to me, and so I decided my next month long event should focus on mental illness. However, as I only have anxiety, I can only speak with any authority on anxiety rep, so it won't be just me. As well as reviews and my own posts, I'm lucky enough that Mental Illness in YA Month will also feature interviews and guest posts from other bloggers and authors, talking about the importance of mental illness, books, and representation.
Here is the schedule for the next month. The schedule will be updated each day with links to each post, so do please check back each day for the discussions that will be had, and get involved.
Sunday 1st July:
7am - Introduction & Schdule
1pm - Review: Fans of the Impossible Life by Kate Scelsa
Monday 2nd July:
7am - Review: Starfish by Akemi Dawn Bowman
1pm - Interview with Akemi Dawn Bowman + Giveaway
Tuesday 3rd July:
7am - Review: Vanished by E. E. Cooper
Wednesday 4th July:
7am - Review: Wild Awake by Hilary T. Smith
1pm - Guest Post: Hannah of A Cup of Wonderland - The Books That Helped Me Come To Terms With My Mental Illnesses
Thursday 5th July:
7am - Review: The Wicker King by K. Ancrum
Saturday 7th July:
7am - Review: It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini
Sunday 8th July:
7am - Review: White Rabbit, Red Wolf by Tom Pollock
1pm - Guest Post: Tom Pollock on How People With Mental Illness Can Be Heroes, Too + Giveaway
Monday 9th July:
7am - Review: Last Night I Sang to the Monster by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
Tuesday 10th July:
7am - Review: Four Weeks, Five People by Jennifer Yu
Wednesday 11th July:
7am - Review: The Beauty That Remains by Ashley Woodfolk
1pm - Guest Post: Ashley Woodfolk on Empathy and Intersectionality in YA
Thursday 12th July:
7am - Reading List: Intersectional YA Novels Featuring Mental Illness
Friday 13th July:
7am - Review: When Reason Breaks by Cindy L. Rodriguez
1pm - Discussion: Who Gets to Tell Stories About Mental Illness?
Saturday 14th July:
7am - Discussion: The Astonishing Colour of After by Emily X. R. Pan and Living With a Depressed Parent
Sunday 15th July:
7am - Review: The Girl and the Grove by Eric Smith
1pm - Interview with Eric Smith
Monday 16th July:
7am - Review: The Lost & Found by Katrina Leno
Tuesday 17th July:
7am - Review: Whisper to Me by Nick Lake
1pm - Reading List: UKYA Novels Featuring Mental Illness
Wednesday 18th July:
7am - Review: Underwater by Marisa Reichardt
Thursday 19th July:
7am - Guest Post: Hannah of Sprinkled With Words - I'm Tired of the Repetitive Mental Illness Rep I'm Seeing in YA
Friday 20th July:
7am - Review: The Definition of Us by Sarah Harris
1pm - Discussion: On Looking For Representation in YA Novels Featuring Mental Illness
Saturday 21st July:
7am - Review: For a Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig
Sunday 22nd July:
7am - Review: On a Scale of One to Ten by Cylan Scott
1pm - Guest Post: Mike Schlossberg on Fighting Mental Illness Stigma Through Writing
Monday 23rd July:
7am - Review: Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn
1pm - Other Discussions Surrounding Mental Illness in YA
Tuesday 24th July:
7am - Review: Colour Me In by Lydia Ruffles
1pm - Guest Post: Lydia Ruffles with A Tale of Two Lists + Giveaway
Wednesday 25th July:
7am - Review: Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman
1pm - Discussion: Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman and How Your Mental Illness Affects Loved Ones
Thursday 26th July:
7am - Review: The Art of Feeling by Laura Tims
1pm - Reading List: Teen Non-Fiction on Mental Illness and Mental Health
Friday 27th July:
7am - Review: Pointe by Brandy Colbert
1pm - Guest Post: Georgia of Geogia's Bookish Thoughts - On Seeing My Mental Illness in a YA Novel
Saturday 28th July:
7am - Review: Are We All Lemmings and Snowflakes? by Holly Bourne
1pm - Discussion: The Responsibilities of Authors With and/or Writing About Mental Illness
Sunday 29th July:
7am - Review: The Art of Starving by Sam J. Miller
1pm - Reading List: YA Novels Featuring Boys With Eating Disorders
Monday 30th July:
7am - Review: All the Ways the World Can End by Abby Sher
Tuesday 31st July:
7am - Reading List: YA Novels Featuring Mental Illness Wishlist
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