Teenagers feel invincible; they have thier whole lives ahead of them and - though they may not admit it - they have their parents to "protect" them. What could possibly go wrong?
But sometimes things do go wrong. They can lose a loved one, or find out that they themselves, may die. Suddenly, they're eyes open and they realise they're not so invincible, that there are some things parents just can't fix, and their whole world crumbles.
Death and Bereavement in Teen Lit Week looks into how authors deal with such an earth-shattering topic, of these horrendous eye-opening experiences. Unfortunately, due to computer issues, I could only hold a week long event rather than a full month.
Death and Bereavement in Teen Lit: It's Here!
Review: My Sister Lives on the Mantlepiece by Annabel Pitcher
Interview with Annabel Pitcher
Tuesday 13th September 2011
Review: Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Interview with Lauren Oliver
Wednesday 14th September 2011
Discussion: Reasons for Reading Books About Death
Review: If I Stay by Gayle Forman
Thursday 15th September 2011
Review: Before I Die by Jenny Downham
Interview with Jenny Downham
Friday 16th September 2011
Review: And By the Way... by Denise Deegan
Guest Post from Denise Deegan: Bereavement in And By the Way...
Saturday 17th September 2011
Review: A Little Wanting Song by Cath Crowley
Previously Reviewed
Other Bloggers' D&B Posts
Sunday 18th September 2011
Further Reading
Death and Bereavement in Teen Lit: The End