Monday 14 April 2014

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LGBT+ April Poetry Challenge

LGBT+ AprilWeek Three of LGBT+ April, hosted by Fighting Dreamer and Laura Plus Books! This week's challenge is to create - in some way, shape or form - LGBTQ inspired poetry. I very recently used book titles to tell the story of my friendship with my best mate for our friendiversary, so I just knew I had to do something similar for this, and here is what I came up with!

This is the story of a relationship between two guys, using the titles of LGBTQ YA.

In case it's not clear, this is the story.

Two guys meet, and get together. For one - let's call him Bob - he couldn't be happier, and he falls in love. For the other - who I shall call John - he's not as into it ("With or Without You"). Yeah, it's all good for now, but meh. John - who happens to be bisexual - starts looking elsewhere (hence "Otherbound" - I wasn't sure if that would make sense or not), and cheats on Bob, multiple times, and keeps it a secret. But then Bob finds out by meeting one of the girls ("How They Met") John has been cheating on him with and discovers the truth ("The Traitor's Game"). Bob feels betrayed and so hurt, and John hates that he's been found out, and wants to fix things, because he likes to have his cake and eat it ("Don't Let Me Go"). But Bob is having none of it. They're done, it's finished, it's all turned to "Ash".

Make sense? Hope you like it! In case there are some titles there you don't know of, I've created a shelf especially for this poem on Goodreads. And here are my reviews of the books mentioned I have read:

Boy Meets Boy / When Love Comes to Town / Two Boys Kissing / Falling / Otherbound / Of All the Stupid Things / Alex As Well / How They Met / The Traitor Game / Don't Let Me Go / Undone / Far From You / Ash

GBFAlso, a heads up! GBF - an amazing, hilarious teen comedy starring a gay protagonist is now available on DVD! I was lucky enough to get the chance to watch an advanced DVD and interview the director, Darren Stein, so check out my movie review and the interview! And then go order a copy of the DVD, because it is SO awesome!


  1. Loved your story, Jo!! LOLOL.
    "because he likes to have his cake and eat it" - my favorite line :D

    GBF sounds really interesting. I'll be keeping an eye out for it. Thanks for putting it on my radar!

    1. Haha, thank you! Glad you also found it amusing! :)

      No worries - GBF is AMAZING! I loved it! :)
