Sunday, 9 March 2014


First Class Post (55) & Weekly Recap

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

First Class Post

First Class Post First Class Post

Check out Showcase Sunday over on Books, Bisuits and Tea.

For review:

Daylighters by Rachel Caine - I have the final book in the series! I am so excited! And I'm so sad. I kind of don't want to read it, so the series hasn't yet finished for me. But at the same time, I need to know how it's all wrapped up!

From NetGalley:

Boys Like You by Juliana Stone - This novel looks like it might just break my heart. I can't wait! Not pictured.

Just One Year by Gayle Forman - EEEE! After falling in love with Just One Day last week, I was SUPER EXCITED to read this companion novel from Willem's point of view! And it was amazing! Read on for my review.

The Summer I Wasn't Me by Jessica Verdi - I have now read this great LGBTQ YA novel! So good! Keep reading for my review. Not pictured.

If Only by Amy Pine - This looks like a really good NA novel! Looking forward to reading it! Not pictured.


The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer - This was recommended to me by Jim of YAYeahYeah during the #kidbkgrp chat on Twitter on Wednesday. It sounds so good! I'm really looking forward to reading it!


Between the Lines Series by Tammara Webber - Yessss! I won Tammara Webber's Giveaway to win the whole set of the Between the Lines, UK editions! So, so happy! I love Tammara Webber and her books, so I'm so happy to have won signed copies! Reviews: Between the Lines, Where You Are, Good For You, Here Without You. Thank you, Tammara!

Thanks to Allison and Busby, and Sourcebooks, RHCP and Entangled Publishing via NetGalley for the review copies.


Inspired by Faye of A Daydreamer's Thoughts's Weekly Highlights, here is a recap of my posts over the last week, and anything else I found interesting:


This Is For You by Rob Ryan The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan Just One Year by Gayle Forman The Summer I Wasn't Me by Jessica Verdi

This week I've reviewed 4 books. This is For You by Rob Ryan is a beautiful - aesthetically, as well as the story itself - papercut hoping-for-love story. Just stunning! The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan is a quick read, very different, but really awesome! I loved it! Just One Year by Gayle Forman is just as beautiful as Just One Day, but a completely different story from what I expected. Oh, I am such a fan of Forman, now! I was a little disappointed with The Summer I Wasn't Me by Jessica Verdi, but it was still a really good read!

Other posts:

I took part in my first ever Top Ten Tuesday, and shared the Top Ten Authors I've Never Read. I'm sure it would shock a few people.

I announced the Caroline and West Blog Tour for Deeper by Robin York. Come back on 14th March for my review!

Harper Voyager gave The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb a new look to celebrate 20 years since the release of Assassin's Apprentice, which are awesome!


  1. Yay, Daylighters! It's a wonderful end to the series, but I'm so sad it's over. I love the Glass House gang so much.

    1. I'm really looking forward to reading it! But... I don't want it to end! I don't know how I'm going to deal with it once it's all over. :(

  2. It looks like you've got a lot of awesome books this week. Congratulations on winning the giveaway. I hope you enjoy them.

    1. Thank you! I really love the Between the Lines series! Tammara Webber is such an amazing writer! :)

  3. I own three of Gayle Forman's books but haven't read any of them yet. I haven't heard anything bad though so hopefully I can pick them up soon!

    Here's my Bookish Buys!

    1. Oh, I hope you do! Her books are amazing! I love them!

  4. YAY! Congrats on winning. I loved her book Easy. And this series sounds just as amazing.
    Also love the Just One Year duo. Forman is a queen. :)
    Happy reading!

    1. Thank you! Easy was incredible! I loved it! And the series is just fanastic! I love the Just One Day duo too, they are so awesome! Cheers again!

  5. Cant wait to hear your thoughts on Gravity Between Us so I know whether to get it or not ;)

    1. Really hoping I enjoy it! It sounds awesome!
