Thursday, 6 March 2014

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Cover Reveal: New Look for The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb

I know I don't post news posts any more, but this is just to awesome not to share!

To celebrate 20 years since the release of Assassin's Apprentice, Harper Voyager UK have given Robin Hobb's Farseer Trilogy a brand spanking new look!

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb

Assassin's Quest by Robin Hobb

How awesome are these covers? The books I own (or rather my Dad owns) have really old covers, and new ones have been out since then. And now they have these gorgeous covers! I think I prefer the covers I have, but these new ones are brilliant, and give such a courtly look - you can imagine a court scribe writing the titles on old parchment. I love them! What do you think?

Be sure to read my review of The Farseer Trilogy.


  1. I really enjoyed these books when I borrowed them from the library, but never bought my own copies. Then they changed the covers and I thought the new editions looked very dull and disappointing. I might buy these ones when they come out, though (call me fickle!) but I like the old style covers best.

    1. Yeah, I love the original covers too, they were just so pretty! The ones before these new ones are a bit blah. They don't really tell you anything about the stories. But it's Hobb, so I've been getting them for the Rain Wild Chronicles :)

  2. I love that book cover. Those colors are so rich. Wouldn't mind owning that :)

    1. They're beautiful, right?! I love them!
