Sunday 29 August 2010

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Review: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Catching Fire by Suzanne CollinsCatching Fire by Suzanne Collins (review copy) - WARNING! I cannot review this book without spoiling the first in the series, The Hunger Games. Do not read any further if you plan on reading The Hunger Games and don't want spoilers.

After winning the brutal Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen returns to her district, hoping for a peaceful future. But Katniss starts to hear rumours of a deadly rebellion against the Capitol. A rebellion that she and Peeta have helped to create. As Katniss and Peeta are forced to visit the districts on the Capitol's cruel Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. Unless Katniss and Peeta can convince the world that they are still lost in their love for each other, the consequences will be horrifying... The terrifying sequel to The Hunger Games. From Amazon UK

Seeing as I had received my review copy of Mockingjay, but hadn't yet read Catching Fire, I thought I should get a move on sharpish. I absolutely adored The Hunger Games, but for some reason, wasn't all that enthusiastic in picking up Catching Fire. But now I've read it, I wish I hadn't waited so long! This book is so amazing, I am quite literally speechless.

As some people on Twitter will know, when I first started reading, I wasn't pulled in right away. I still had reservations for unknown reasons - probably scared it wasn't going to match up to the first book. I have to say, although it was never boring, it did take a while for Catching Fire to pull me in, but once it had, that was it. I rarely put the book down. And it was sooo exciting!

And you know the worst thing? I have no idea how to talk about this book in the detail I'd normally go into without spoiling it. So much happens, so much you don't expect, and it all starts from the beginning! I can tell you that the characters are still amazing. Katniss is just as awe-inspiring as she was in The Hunger Games. Peeta has grown on me considerably; I never disliked him, but I didn't love him either. Now he's just the sweetest guy. But I'm still a big fan of Gale's. He's just so determined to do what's right, he's just amazing.

The action is just as good as in The Hunger Games, but in a different way. I really can't say much more than that. It's exciting, and has you on the edge of your seat, and is just completely wow! And the cliffhanger! Oh my god! The cliffhanger makes me glad that I did wait this long, so I can now pick up Mockingjay to find out what happened. Just amazing. I cannot recommend this series enough!

Thank you to Scholastic for sending me a review copy.

Published: 7th September 2009
Publisher: Scholastic
Buy on Amazon UK
Buy on Amazon US
Suzanne Collins' Website
The Hunger Games UK Site

My review of The Hunger Games on Ink and Paper
Continue reading Review: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

Friday 27 August 2010

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News: Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison Trailer and Paperback Release!

Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison, the sequel to Taken by Storm (which I absolutely loved), is now available in paperback.

unbroken connection by angela morrisonnAgainst all odds, the couple that swept you away in TAKEN BY STORM is back. Michael is in Thailand diving his dream. Leesie is at BYU living hers.

And they just can't leave each other alone.

Their romance rekindles, deeper than before. They grow desperate to see one another again. To hold one another again. Michael decides there is only one direction their relationship can go and asks Leesie the ultimate question. Her answer challenges everything Michael is and wants to be.

Can she change for him?

Can he change for her?


How amazing does it sound? It may takea while for Amazon to sell it on their site, but you can buy it from Angela's Amazon eStore. Or, if you'd rather, you can buy it as a Kindle ebook, which will still be available to buy for $2.99 for the next two weeks. Check out all things Unbroken Connection on Angela's website.

You may or may not know that Angela is self-publishing Unbroken Conection. Here's why...

Angela Morrison and Unbroken Connection novelsGetting UNBROKEN CONNECTION, the second novel in Michael and Leesie's saga, to readers has been quite a journey. When I first pitched it to my editor at Penguin after TAKEN BY STORM went off to the presses, she told me they loved the story, but they wanted me to write stand-alone titles, like Sarah Dessen or Janette Rallison. Razorbill's publisher asked me to write the same story for different characters. I, gulp, refused. Like any writer, my characters are very real to me. UNBROKEN CONNECTION was Leesie's story and nobody else's. I told them I'd save it for her. I couldn't give it to strangers.

So to fill the second novel spot in my contract with them--they signed me for two books when they bought TAKEN BY STORM--I had to come up with a whole new novel pronto. That led to my second Penguin release, SING ME TO SLEEP (March 2010). SING ME TO SLEEP was inspired by a dear friend's son, and I wrote it to honor him and the Amabile Choirs of London, Canada--that were a huge part of his life. That was an amazing experience I'll always cherish. I keep hearing from readers who are deeply touched by it. The Amabile guys choir was so enthusiastic about it they recorded, "Beth's Song," for my trailer. I wrote the lyrics for the book, and the extraordinary LDS artist, Harriet Bushman, composed the music. You can download it on iTunes and help support their music.

By the time SING ME TO SLEEP was done, I'd signed with an agent. We submitted a proposal for UNBROKEN CONNECTION as my option book. My contract stipulated that I must submit my third YA novel to Razorbill. The proposal was met with silence.

Perhaps I should have written another stand alone title, but as an artist, I needed to continue Michael and Leesie's story. They wouldn't leave each other alone. They wouldn't leave me alone. I prayed. And started writing. When I finished the novel, my agent loved it. We sent it to my editor.

More silence.

Three months later while I was packing for my trip up to Canada to celebrate SING ME TO SLEEP's release and Amabile's 25th Anniversary Festival, I got a call from my editor. She was leaving Razorbill--venturing out on her own. UNBROKEN CONNECTION lost its best advocate at the company.

The following Monday morning--after an amazing weekend in London, Ontario signing books, getting to finally give my friend Joyce a long awaited hug, and hearing Amabile perform "Beth's Song" live--I got an email from Razorbill's publisher rejecting UNBROKEN CONNECTION.

My agent was at a loss. He faded away into silence and then dropped me when I reminded him of my existence.

But my readers and bloggers rallied around. One of them started a FaceBook group to support UNBROKEN CONNECTION. Another had her graphics designer create an icon to share around the web. Their encouragement gave me the guts to release it independently.

Remember "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost? I memorized it in grade school--not because I had to, but because I loved it. I think it's the only poem I can recite. Do you recall the ending?

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And I took the one less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

Life is full of "no"--whether you're a writer, a three-year old, a teen, or a parent.

Remember, "no" isn't the end of the journey. It's simply a redirection--a new path. Maybe a better path.

If you are an aspiring writer, don't let rejection stop you. Rewrite your query letter and send it out to more agents and editors. Seek professional critique. Take classes. Revise your novel to fit a market better. Publish an ebook. Blog your novel. Investigate independent publishers, regional presses, and print on demand services like CreateSpace.

I'm not going to lie--publishing with a giant New York publisher is a heady whirlwind, and I'm doing my best to land a new agent and another contract. But it can also be a muddy, frustrating road full of pot holes. It can maim you artistically if you let it. And these days there are many, many roads in the woods. I'm having a lot of fun following a new one.

All my love,

Continue reading News: Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison Trailer and Paperback Release!

Tuesday 24 August 2010

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Review: Taken By Storm by Angela Morrison

Taken By Storm by Angela MorrisonTaken By Storm by Angela Morrison - Sometimes only love can save you.
Leesie Hunt's Unbreakable Rules: No Kissing (at least not of the French variety)...No Sex (hah! Not even close to happening anyway)...No Dating Outside the Mormon Faith (what would be the point?)...ABSOLUTELY No Falling in Love with the Wrong Boy (would ruin everything).
Leesie thinks she has her whole life planned out: get into the school of her dreams, write her poems, meet the perfect guy, and settle down. Then she meets Michael--a boy whose parents were killed in a diving accident during a terrible storm.
Michael is drowning in tragedy. And all Leesie wants is to save him. With each day, her heart hurts more. Could it be, perfect Leesie is falling from grace? Or is she just falling in love?
But if Leesie gives in to temptation, who is going to save her?
From Amazon US

As many of you probably know, I fell in love with Angela Morrison's writing when I read Sing Me to Sleep for BI&SP Month last month. That beautiful story touched me so much, I was desperate to read more, so I quickly bought Taken By Storm, Morrison's debut novel, prepared to be swept away. I am thrilled to tell you I was not disappointed! I absolutely loved this story! So much emotion, it's wonderful!

I'm going to start with the writing, because it's just brilliant. I'm not a diver, nor am I a Mormon, but you don't need to be either to follow this story. Morrison goes to great pains to make sure we understand what's going on, whether it be how a diver prepares for a dive, or the beliefs of Mormans, and it's all so fascinating! The way Morrison describes the world in our oceans is just so beautiful; you can actually see it, the reefs, the fish, the plant life. It's just gorgeous!

The structure is just genius! Most of the story is told in first person from Michael's point of view, through diary entries into his diving log, which contains details at the beginning of each entry such as dive buddy, date, dive #, location, site, etc. At the start and end of the book, those categories are all taken literally, but as time goes on, it can refer to who he's with, where, how he's feeling, and so on, and it's a great way to see Michael's state of mind before actually reading the entry. For some reason, he never capitalises "I", but it's a little quirk that makes him seem more real.
Leesie doesn't narrate at all, but we do get inside her head through the numerous poems she writes, and the online conversations she has with a friend, Kim, who lives in a different state, and Michael. For someone who isn't exactly telling the story, I found her really relatable, and feel I heard her voice just as much as Michael's. Just fantastic.

The plot is just awesome. Michael is grieving over the death of his parents, and isn't coping too well, suffering from nightmares and visions, and Leesie is the only one who can seem to keep it all at bay. However, Michael isn't used to having to control himself, so finds it really difficult to stick to Leesie's rules as a Mormon. Having been passionately in love twice before, Michael doesn't see how you can get close enough to someone to fall in love without actually loving them, like he feels so much he's unable to express it well in any other way.

Leesie knows it's possible, because of how she feels for him, and has to stop him on more than one occasion. I found Leesie's predicament really relatable. As I said, I'm not a Morman, but I do have strong morals for myself that are similar to her own to a certain degree, and can understand her having trouble balancing wanting to do what's right - or not doing what's not right - as she believes with what Michael wants and, if she's truthful, she also wants. So there's conflict in whether Leesie can actually get Michael past his grief, and if Michael can accept her rules and stick with her. Although Michael is never too much of an idiot about it all, Leesie is amazing in her strength to say "no" to him and herself and stick to her guns. I was rooting for her throughout. I have to say, this may be the only YA novel I've read so far where I haven't been going mad at the characters to get a move on, but the actual opposite.

There really isn't any way I could possibly do this book justice. It's an amazingly beautiful, powerfully emotional story that I can now add to my favourites. I'm now eagerly awaiting the sequel, Unbroken Connection, which is now avaiable as an ebook, to come out in paperback so I can jump right back into Michael and Leesie's story. Absolutely brilliant.

Published: 4th February 2010
Publisher: Razorbill US
Buy on Amazon UK
Buy on Amazon US
Angela Morrison's Website
Continue reading Review: Taken By Storm by Angela Morrison

Sunday 22 August 2010


News: The Contemps

The Contemps

A group of 21 authors have teamed up together to create The Contemps, a site that celebrates contemporary YA fiction. In their own words...

"We're 21 authors putting real life in the spotlight, keeping readers up to date on the latest in YA contemporary fiction by blogging, tweeting, (over) sharing our own teenage experiences, and occasionally meeting up in real life.

Our goal is to help teens, booksellers, and librarians connect with and celebrate books that feature true-to-life settings, characters, and situations, and to let publishers know about the ongoing demand for contemporary stories."

It's a fantastic site, that's also holding a pretty cool challenge; read 18 of the 21 novels in a year for a chance to win all 21 of their novels! Check them out, and follow them on Twitter, @YAcontemps!

Continue reading News: The Contemps

Saturday 21 August 2010

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Review: Blue Moon by Alyson Noёl

Blue Moon by Alyson NoёlBlue Moon by Alyson Noёl - WARNING! I cannot review Blue Moon without spoiling the first in the series, Evermore. Don't read any further if you plan on reading Evermore, and don't want to be spoiled.

Things have changed for Ever since she met her beloved Damen – not least because she’s got a whole new set of powers, courtesy of her new Immortal status. Just as she's getting stronger, though, Damen seems to be weakening. Panicked at the thought of losing him, Ever finds a path to the in-between world known as Summerland, where she learns the secrets of Damen’s tortured past. But in searching for a cure for him, Ever accidentally discovers a way to twist time so she can save her family from the accident that killed them. It’s all she’s ever wanted – but so is Damen. And Ever must choose between them... From Amazon UK

Ever since finishing Evermore last year, I've been eager to read Blue Moon, really wanting to find out what happened next - would Riley return? Would I get more of an idea who Damen is? What would Ever do with her new powers? So when I finished reading all the books I brought with me when I went on a break, I decided to buy Blue Moon and see where the story went - ad it was a good job I did! Such a great read!

Blue Moon is very much a middle book. It's not as fast paced as Evermore and not a lot happens in the great scheme of things, but it's not slow and it's definately not boring. With the arrival of a new student, the ever cheerful Roman, and the sudden strange behaviour of everyone at school, including Damen, Ever's world is turned upside down. Along with Ever, we get to explore further the beautiful Summerland as she tries looking for answers, and finding out a lot more than she bargained for.

Ever is just brilliant in Blue Moon, she grows so much. There are several occasions where she has to use her own initiative and work things out by herself, she shows how brave and smart she can be. We find out more about Damen's past in this novel, which gives more of an idea of who he is, and I actually really quite like him now! Haven grew on me a little this time round; after accepting that's just the way she is, she can be quite amusing at times. Still loving Miles, he's still his chirpy, dramatic, camp self. Roman drove me round the bend with his excessive cheerfulness. I just wanted to slap him.

As I said, not a huge amount happens for most of the book, but what does happen is just so intriguing! I can't really go into it too much, but Damen's world is a lot bigger than Ever realises, and his past catches up with them. The action in Blue Moon takes a different form than we've previously seen; Ever has to race against time to save lives, and you're never sure if she's going to make it, or exactly what's going on and why. The pace picks up as the story goes on, and you're never sure how it's going to end. I never saw the actual ending coming. I mean, wow! Such a cliffhanger!

Having not yet read Shadowland, the third in the series, I can't say for sure, but it seems to me that Blue Moon is a bridge book to get the story and the characters from the end of Evermore to the beginning of Shadowland. It's not as great as Evermore was, but it's still pretty awesome; so engaging, I couldn't put it down! Well worth a read! I'm so excited to seeing how things turn out and where Damen and Ever's relationship goes in Shadowland, which is out now.

Published: 5th March 2010
Publisher: Macmillan Children’s Books
Buy on Amazon UK
Buy on Amazon US
Alyson Noёl's Website

My review of Evermore
Continue reading Review: Blue Moon by Alyson Noёl
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Review: The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy NelsonThe Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson (ARC) - Seventeen-year-old Lennie Walker spends her time tucked safely and happily in the shadow of her fiery older sister, Bailey. But when Bailey dies abruptly, Lennie is catapulted to centre stage of her own life - and, despite her nonexistent history with boys, suddenly finds herself struggling to balance two. Toby was Bailey's boyfriend; his grief mirrors Lennie's own. Joe is the new boy in town, with a nearly magical grin. One boy takes Lennie out of her sorrow, the other comforts her in it. But the two can't collide without Lennie's world exploding... From Amazon UK

I don't know what to say about this book. It's beautiful. It's emotional. It's powerful. It's thought provoking. And it's now right up there with my favourites. I have a lot of favourites, simply because they are exciting or thrilling, but a few that touch me and effect me so deeply, I feel this overwhelming joy at being lucky enough to have read such a wonderful book, that such a treasure has fallen into my hands. The Sky is Everywhere is one of these books.

This book is chock full of emotion. To compare it to a rollercoaster ride, like I would normally do, wouldn't work for this book. It just seems silly to do so in light of the depth of feeling running through this book - it would be like comparing the heat of the sun to a radiator. As weird as this may sound, Lennie's grief over Bailey's death is beautiful; it's sharp, it's overwhelming, it's heavy, and it's endless. Lennie compares it to a building, but I'd compare it to the sea; it washes over her - and you - and drags her down, away from the surface, leaving her unable to breath.

Toby and Joe are her only life lines. What happens between her and each of the boys, how they effect her, her grief, become this confusing, wonderful, painful, disastrous, beautiful, chaotic part
of her life... all I can say is Nelson gets it spot on. It's messy, it's understandable, it's human, it's real.

I love the way Nelson writes. She has this way with words and gives her characters these ideas that made me stop and think, or just marvel. The sky begins at your feet, lonliness is like a day without birds, hearing souls in music. There is a part of this book I wanted to quote but can't as it's an ARC. Lennie was thinking about how everything Bailey knew, heard, learned, saw is now gone, the way and the things she thought. It really spoke to me; there are so many things I think, not important things, just random, silly things or opinions, or whatever, that I've never voiced, simply because the subject hasn't come up, and it made me think that perhaps no-one really knows me, and the need to just garble onn at people to make sure it's out there.

The poems Lennie wrote to deal wih her grief were just genius, and made her really relatable for me. I used to write poems as a teen when things weren't so great, I thought of it as therapy. Although I can't relate to her grief, I could relate Lennie's need to write poetry, and they were just great! Bailey dies before the book starts, and the poems are where we really see her, and Lennie's love just jumps out of them.

I have to mention Sarah, Lennie's best friend. There are a fair few moments of humour throughout the book, it's not all doom and gloom, and Sarah's use of animals instead of swearing are some of them. It's just too cool! I so want to go around saying holy horses, jumping giraffes and call people flying yellow ducks. Too funny.

I loved this book so much, I read it in a day. Seriously, you just have to read The Sky is Everywhere. Don't miss out on the beautiful that is contained in these pages. Don't deny yourself this piece of wonderful. You'll be doing yourself a disservice.

Published: 7th June 2010 in UK, 9th March 2010 in US
Publisher: Walker in UK, Dial in US
Buy on Amazon UK
Buy on Amazon US
Jandy Nelson's Website

Other reviews:
Asamum Booktopia
Continue reading Review: The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Friday 20 August 2010

Lots of News!

While I've been away for the past week, I received word of lots of cool stuff to share with you!

Firstly, a petition has been set up by Rachel Caine for the producers who optioned film rights of The Morganville Vampire series; the producers need to make studios aware of how large the MV's fan base is, so if you want to see a MV movie or TV show, make sure you sign!


Bloomsbury UK have made the first chapter of Out for Blood by Alyxandra Harvey, the third installment in the Drake Chronicles series, available to read online! Be sure to check it out, and if you haven't yet, sign up to the Facebook page for news on all things Drake Chronicles!


I have several The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller (19th August 2010) goodies from Puffin/Jenny of Wondrous Reads to share.

the eternal ones by kirsten millerThe Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller - Haven Moore has always known she's different: there are the talents that can't be explained; the knowledge of places she's never been; and then there are the visions that overwhelm her - terrifying visions of a life that ended tragically two decades earlier and more than a thousand miles away in New York City. The citizens of Haven's rural, highly religious community, believe that she's been possessed by a demon. But this is no demon: it's reincarnation. Haven journeys all the way to Manhattan in search of clues about her past life and a decades-old murder. One wrong move could lead her into the clutches of the sinister villain at the center of a conspiracy much larger than she could have ever imagined. But if she makes the right choices, Haven will find the answers she's been seeking her entire life. This is an epic and thrilling romance set in the snake-handling churches of Appalachia, the dusty ruins of ancient Rome, and the grand mansions of Manhattan. The Eternal Ones tells the story of the first battle in a war between undying love and eternal evil. From Amazon UK
You can read my review here.

The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller

Sample chapters:
Sampler #1
Sampler #2
Sampler #3

And the teaser trailer:


And for those in the US, Alexandra Adornetto will be on tour in September/October to promote Halo. You can find out all the info here.
Continue reading Lots of News!

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Bloomsbury Signings

Bloomsbury authors have a group of signings coming up:

  • John Green, author of Paper Towns has already sold out his event at Waterstone’s Piccadilly and his event at Edinburgh Festival. Due to popular demand we have added another event to John’s all too brief visit to the UK. If you would like to see John and the amazing Sons of Admirals you can catch them for one night only at Ice Father Nation, 33-35 Commercial Road, London E1 1LN on Saturday 14th August. Doors open at 6:30pm and the main event starts at 7:30pm. Tickets are available on the door priced £7.

    For the latest from John take a look at or see the man himself in action at

  • Mary Hoffman, author of numerous YA novels including the hugely successful Stravaganza series will be at Edinburgh Festival on Saturday 21st August at 1pm. To book your tickets call 0845 373 5888 or visit the website

  • Cathy MacPhail, author of Underworld, Roxy’s Baby and a whole host of other action-packed titles will be at Edinburgh Festival on Monday 23rd August at 10am. To book your tickets call 0845 373 5888 or visit the website

  • Simmone Howell is making a rare visit from her native Australia for two appearances at Edinburgh Festival. The author of Notes from the Teenage Underground and Everything Beautiful will be running a workshop on Tuesday 24th August at 6pm and talking about her writing on Wednesday 25th August at 10am. To book your tickets call 0845 373 5888 or visit the website

  • Ian Beck (Pastworld) will be joining Philip Reeve at Edinburgh Festival on Wednesday 25th August at 5pm to talk steampunk and much more. To book your tickets call 0845 373 5888 or visit the website

  • Gemma Malley (The Declaration, The Resistance, The Returners and The Legacy) and Sophie Mackenzie will be appearing at Edinbugh Festival on Thursday 26th August at 6:30pm. To book your tickets call 0845 373 5888 or visit the website

  • Lucy Jago will be at Montacute House, the National Trust property that inspire her book of the same name, on Saturday 28th August at 2pm. She will be signing copies of her book. If you can’t make it, but would like to reserve a signed copy call 01935 823 289

  • Jim Carrington (Inside My Head) will be on a panel alongside Alex Diaz and C.J. Skuse, chaired by Julia Green (Drawing with Light) at the Bath Festival of Children’s Literature on Thursday 30th September at 8:30pm. To book your tickets call 01225 463 362 or visit the website

  • Mary Hooper (Fallen Grace) and Celia Rees (Witch Child and The Fool’s Girl) will be talking all things historical at Cheltenham Festival on Saturday 16th October at 6pm. To book your tickets call 0844 576 7979 or visit the website

  • Celia Rees will be running a workshop on writing for teenagers at Cheltenham Festival on Sunday 17th October at 10am. Place are limited. To book your tickets call 0844 576 7979 or visit the website
Continue reading Bloomsbury Signings

Tuesday 10 August 2010

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Review: The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller

The Eternal Ones by Kirsten MillerThe Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller (review copy) - Haven Moore has always known she's different: there are the talents that can't be explained; the knowledge of places she's never been; and then there are the visions that overwhelm her - terrifying visions of a life that ended tragically two decades earlier and more than a thousand miles away in New York City. The citizens of Haven's rural, highly religious community, believe that she's been possessed by a demon. But this is no demon: it's reincarnation. Haven journeys all the way to Manhattan in search of clues about her past life and a decades-old murder. One wrong move could lead her into the clutches of the sinister villain at the center of a conspiracy much larger than she could have ever imagined. But if she makes the right choices, Haven will find the answers she's been seeking her entire life. This is an epic and thrilling romance set in the snake-handling churches of Appalachia, the dusty ruins of ancient Rome, and the grand mansions of Manhattan. The Eternal Ones tells the story of the first battle in a war between undying love and eternal evil. From Amazon UK

Oh my word, I cannot tell you how amazing this book is! It's just brilliant! So intriguing and mysterious, and dangerous! I loved it!

I really don't know what to say about the characters. I really liked Haven, but sometimes I felt she made so many bad decisions and judged things badly, but I loved her at the beginning of the novel having to battle against the discrimination of the people living in the small town. She was strong, and she seemed so interesting, but as soon as she met Iain, I felt she lost a bit of her personality by how obsessed she was by him. I wasn't a big fan of Iain right from the start. There was just something about him that put me off; he ordered Haven around, and sometimes shejust did as he wished. As the book progresses you kind of understand why, but I still say he went about things all wrong. Not a fan. However, I do love Beau and Earl Frizzell! I thought they were just awesome!

The plot itself is just so interesting, and I can't really get into it without spoiling it. There's more than just the whole reincarnation theme, it kind of becomes secondary. There are people who have past lives, and they have a group, but there is so much more going on. Secrets and lies, plots and schemes, and danger like you wouldn't believe! There isn't action in fighting terms, but there is a lot of heart in your mouth moments. It's thrilling and exciting, and, oooh, I loved it!

The twist! Oooh, the twist! I worked it out as I was getting closer to it, but I was still amazed! Even though I worked it out, I was telling myself that I was wrong, surely not! But it's pretty great, and creepy, and oh, I can't wait to find out what happens in the next book!

I am so sorry that I can't go into much more detail about this book, but it's so complicated, I don't want to accidentally give anything away. But you must read it! It's aboslutely amazing, and I can't wait for the next installment in August 2011. Read this, I can't recommend it enough! And check out the promo websites linked below, they're so cool!

Thank you to Puffin for sending me a review copy.

Published: 19th August 2010
Publisher: Puffin
Buy on Amazon UK
Buy on Amazon US
Kirsten Miller's Blog
The Eternal One's Website
The Ouroboros Society Website
Continue reading Review: The Eternal Ones by Kirsten Miller
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Book Tour: Garth Nix in the UK

garth nix the violet keystone by garth nix

Garth Nix will be signing to promote his latest novel, The Violet Keystone, the finale in The Seventh Tower series at the following venues:

Friday 13th August
Event at:
Seven Stories, The Centre for Children's Books
30 Lime Street,
Ouseburn Valley,
Newcastle Upon Tyne,
Click here for more information

Saturday 14th August
Event in the Main Theatre at the Edinburgh International Book Festival,
Charlotte Square,
Click here for more information

Monday 16th August
Event at:
4-5 Milsom Street,
Click here for more information

Tuesday 17th August
Event at:
The Forum,
2 Millennium Plain,
Bethel Street,
Click here for more information visit

There are a few other signings coming up over the next few months. I'm still finding dates for several tours, so keep an eye out for a post soon! :)
Continue reading Book Tour: Garth Nix in the UK

Monday 9 August 2010


Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bind-Ups Winners!

My contest for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bind-Ups has now closed and it's time to announce the winners! There were 9 entries, did it's thing, and the winners are...

For the first Buffy Bind-Up only:

For both Buffy Bind-Ups:

The winners have been notified, and their details passed on to my contact at Simon and Schuster UK. Please note that the winners of the first Buffy Bind-Up will be sent their prize around the beginning September time, and the winners of both Bind-Ups will be sent their prizes around the beginning of November, when the books are being released.

Thank you to everyone who entered! Better luck next time!
Continue reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bind-Ups Winners!

Saturday 7 August 2010

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Review: Kiss of Death by Rachel Caine (#Ad)

Kiss of Death by Rachel CaineKiss of Death by Rachel Caine

I was sent this review copy for free by Allison & Busby for the purposes of providing an honest review.

Claire Danvers has a few things on her mind. First of all there is the laundry, which is now an unfortunate shade of pink. Then there is her boyfriend, Shane, who is never too far from her thoughts. Finally there is her best friend Eve's relationship problems. As if life as a student wasn't complicated enough, Claire just happens to be studying in Morganville. A town run by vampires. Trouble seems to follow Claire and her friends like a shadow and tonight is no exception to the rule. They must find the most difficult documents for a vampire to acquire; people passes that will allow 'bad ass' Morley and his friends to leave Morganville. But it's proving incredibly difficult, and with the odds seemingly stacked against them, the biggest question of all is...Will they survive? From Amazon UK.
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Review: Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost

Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene FrostEternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost - An immortal war has been brewing in the darkness...and now one woman has stumbled into the shadows.

Chicago private investigator Kira Graceling should have just kept on walking. But her sense of duty refused to let her ignore the moans of pain coming from inside a warehouse just before dawn. Suddenly she finds herself in a world she's only imagined in her worst nightmares.

At the center is Mencheres, a breathtaking Master vampire who thought he'd seen it all. Then Kira appears - this fearless, beautiful....human who braved death to rescue him. Though her burns for her, keeping Kira in his world means risking her life. Yet sending her away is unthinkable.

But with danger closing in, Mencheres must choose either the woman he craves, or embracing the darkest magic to defeat an enemy bent on his eternal destruction.
From Amazon US.
Continue reading Review: Eternal Kiss of Darkness by Jeaniene Frost

Monday 2 August 2010


Contest: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bind-Ups!

Thanks to Simon & Schuster UK, I have 5 sets of the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer bind-ups to giveaway!

Buffy 1As long as there have been vampires, there has been the Slayer. One girl in all the world, to find them where they gather and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers...
Night of the Living Rerun ~ As if real life wasn't already overflowing with vampire-staking, Buffy is now dreaming about slaying! Night after night, it's the same thing… What could it mean? When Xander and Giles start acting like they have ancient alter egos, Buffy begins to realise what's going on. Can Buffy prevent the Master from escaping his supernatural prison before Sunnydale becomes history!
Coyote Moon ~ The seedy carnival looks like just the thing to give Buffy and her friends, Xander and Willow, a break from staking bloodsuckers. Some greasy food, a few cheap thrills - what more could a Slayer ask for? But then Buffy senses something evil behind this carnival. Could it be connected to the corpses that are turning up around Sunnydale. Can Buffy find out what's going on in time to save her friends? Or has the Slayer become the prey?
Portal of Time ~ The Master, Buffy's nemesis, may be gone, but he is by no means forgotten. One of his devotees has set out to alter the past, killing off Slayers in order to change the future. With the Slayer line extinguished, there will be no Buffy. And without Buffy, no one will be able to prevent him as he resurrects The Master. Having opened a portal through time he is about to send his minions into the past to murder the most influential Slayers in history. Buffy is forced to follow them through the portal in a race against time and evil. But the problem is… you can't change the past without altering the present...
The second bind up's blurb is not yet available, but here's the image.

buffy 2

  • One entry per person. Multiple entries will be deleted.
  • UK entrants only.
  • You can choose to enter for both bind-ups, but you will have to wait until November to get your prizes. Otherwise, you can choose to enter for just the first bind-up, which you will receive in September.
  • You can enter by filling in the form below.
  • Contest closes on 8th August 2010.
  • will choose the winners, who will be announced on 9th August.
  • Winners details will be passed on to my contact at Simon and Schuster, who will send the prizes.

Continue reading Contest: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Bind-Ups!

Sunday 1 August 2010

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News: Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison

I received some news today about Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison, the sequal to Taken by Storm.

Unbroken Connection by Angela MorrisonAgainst all odds, the couple that swept you away in TAKEN BY STORM is back. Michael is in Thailand diving his dream. Leesie is at BYU living hers.

And they just can't leave each other alone.

Their romance rekindles, deeper than before. They grow desperate to see one another again. To hold one another again. Michael decides there is only one direction their relationship can go and asks Leesie the ultimate question. Her answer challenges everything Michael is and wants to be.

Can she change for him?

Can he change for her?


Angela had this to say:

"UNBROKEN CONNECTION should be available for download via the Kindle store on Amazon soon. We're shooting for an August 9th release date. It will be available for $2.00 for the first two weeks, so you can all download it inexpensively. Amazon has free Kindle software for your phone, the iTouch or iPad, or your computer.

It will also be available to other outlets via SmashWords, but that is a longer process. You will be able to buy it direct from Smashwords in many formats. SmashWords pricing structure is different, so I won't be able to offer the two week discount through them. It should still be fairly inexpensive."
Continue reading News: Unbroken Connection by Angela Morrison
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Guest Post from Emma Michaels

Today I have a guest post for you from Emma Michaels, debut author of The Thirteenth Chime.

Hello everyone! I am very excited to be here today doing this guest blog! My name is Emma Michaels and my debut novel, "The Thirteenth Chime", is due for release Friday the 13th in August 2010. Some of you may know me from my book blog, where I started doing reviews last December and have been since. Yes, I am a blogger turned author and I am very pleased to have the opportunity to share my novel with all of you.

For some, writing is a way to make a living, while for others it is merely about doing what they love. For me, it is both, and I have plans to work hard on my literary career and get to the top of the "New York Times Bestseller's List". I believe that social networking, specifically bloggers and blog readers, are going to have a lot to say in the future about the direction that the literary world is heading. It is my hope that all of you will join me in proving this belief and doing so by helping me get to the the top of that list. I believe we can do it together because it is all of YOU that makes it possible for authors to bring you the books that you enjoy reading.

I'm often asked questions about why I don't currently have an agent. The reason for this is that I received over a hundred standard form rejections from agents who didn't even ask to see a sample of my writing. Then, due to the recommendation of a dear friend and fellow blog reader, it was suggested I take the plunge and start querying publishers directly. I am very glad I took that plunge because that has helped me get to where I am today. Thanks to the support of my publisher, bloggers and blog readers like you, I have gotten the chance to share my book with the world and this is an excellent example of why the voices that speak out can be heard. These are your voices and I thank you for letting me hear them and getting the opportunity today to share my voice with all of you.

I also want to share that both I and Bokheim have something special planned for the August 13th, 2010, so I hope that everyone will be on the lookout! I also hope to one day get to congratulate other bloggers and blog readers who become authors. All of you have been so wonderful and supportive, filling me with hope and elation that I am now getting to share "The Thirteenth Chime" with you.

Please help me make it to the New York Times Best Sellers List! Together we can accomplish anything! For more information stop by my blog or e-mail me at

the thirteenth chime by emma michaelsThe Thirteenth Chime by Emma Michaels - Destiny has finally found the life that she has always wanted.

She is about to finish college, has a fiancé that loves her, and a great summer on the West Coast planned with her friend, Stephanie.

But her world is turned upside down when an antique clock mysteriously chimes thirteen times and someone attacks them, sending Stephanie and her mother to the hospital.

Alone, and without any help from the police, Destiny has no choice but to turn to the one man she had left behind a year ago - her ex-boyfriend, David.

Together, they must solve the riddle of the thirteenth chime before the clock strikes thirteen again.

Yet as they face their own past and hearts, a trap over half a century old is waiting for them to become its prey.

For revenge, fifty years is never too long…

Emma Michaels Twitter Party
Continue reading Guest Post from Emma Michaels