Sunday, 1 November 2015


Sex in Teen Lit Month II is Here!

Sex in Teen Lit Month II

Sex in Teen Lit Month IIHi everyone! Sex in Teen Lit Month II is finally here! It's taken well over a year in planning, and there were a few set backs and a postponment along the way due to life, but it's starting today, and it's going to be awesome!

There have been some fantastic books covering sex in YA since I held the first Sex in Teen Lit Month back in 2009, and I'm a much wider YA reader now. It's been really interesting to see where things have moved forward since 2009, a change that has led to a change in how Sex in Teen Lit Month II is being held. This event is being split into two; Part 1 will be looking at sex in YA in general, as per the first event, but Part 2 is going to focus on sex crimes and crimes of a sexual nature. There have been quite a few books published covering such topics, especially over the past year or so, so I'm going to highlight and discuss a few of them here.

For now, here's the schedule - the first post for Part 1 of the event will be up later today! This post will be updated as the month goes along with links, so be sure to check back.

1st November
9am: Sex in Teen Lit Month II is Here!
1pm: Review: Lobsters by Tom Ellen & Lucy Ivison

2nd November
9am: Guest Post from Tom Ellen & Lucy Ivison: Virginity in YA Novels
 3rd November
9am: Review: Purity by Jackson Pearce

4th November
9am: Interview with Non Pratt
1pm: Highlight: The Oral History Podcast
5th November
9am: Review: My Soon-to-Be Sex Life by Judith Tewes
6th November
9am: Guest Post from Judith Tewes: Didn't We Already Have a Sexual Revolution?
7th November
9am: Review: Losing It, edited by Keith Grey
1pm: Articles & Posts on Sex in YA Around the Web
8th November
9am: Guest Post from Lauren James: The Need for Sex in YA

9th November
9am: Review: Shut Out by Kody Keplinger
1pm: Discussion: The Lack Of Female Masturbation in YA

10th November
9am: Guest Post from Jenn Bennett: Open for Discussion

11th November
9am: Review: Losing It by Cora Carmack
1pm: Hayley Sprout: Why Asexual Representation Matters

12th November
9am: Interview with Donna Freitas
13th November
9am: Review: Cut Both Ways by Carrie Mesrobian
14th November
9am: Guest Post from Carrie Mesrobian: "Only If it Serves the Plot"
1pm: Discussion: How Important is it for Sex to Be on the Page in YA?
 15th November
9am: Interview with Daria Snadowsky
16th November
9am: Review: What You Left Behind by Jessica Verdi
17th November
9am: Guest Post from Alice Nuttall: Companions, Concubines and Chastities: Weaponised sexuality in Louise O’Neill’s Only Ever Yours
1pm: Review: Firsts by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn
18th November
9am: Discussion: Sex in LGBTQ YA
1pm: Sex in Teen Lit Month II Giveaway
19th November
 9am: Sex in Teen Lit Month II Part 2: Sex Crimes
1pm: Review: Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar
20th November
9am: Interview with Kirsty Eagar
21st November
9am: Review: What We Saw by Aaron Hartzler
1pm: Discussion: "Reading is For Entertainment!" - or Why I Read Books that Deal with Rape
22nd November
9am: Interview with Tammara Webber & Giveaway
23rd November
9am: Review: All the Rage by Courtney Summers
24th November
9am: Interview with Courtney Summers
25th November
9am: Review: Modern Monsters by Kelley York
1pm: Discussion: YA on Rape, Sexual Assault & Child Abuse
26th November
9am: Interview with Louise O'Neill
1pm: Discussion: Paul & Emma's Scene in Asking For It by Louise O'Neill
27th November
9am: Review: Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
28th November
9am: Interview with Robin York
29th November
9am: Review: Asking For It by Kate Harding
30th November
9am: Wrap Up Post & Giveaway Results 


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