While doing my research for Sex in Teen Lit Month, I came across The Oral History Podcast, where every month of this year so far, Carrie and Christa have discussed an aspect of sex, and then related it to YA books.
What's great about this podcast is that it's just like two ladies getting together to talk sex - and they're letting us listen in. Carrie and Christa are friends, and it really shows, and so they get quite personal about it. Not in an overly graphic way about their own sex lives, but they do give us an insight into their sex lives when they were teenagers. And then they recommend YA books that do a great job at covering said aspect, and explain why. At the time of writing this post, I've listened to the first two episodes, and they are just incredible. The podcast pretty much does everything I am trying to do with Sex in Teen Lit Month II - only it's better, because they're authors themselves, are widely read, and because they're so honest and open. I can't recommend this podcast enough, you really need to give it a listen. I'm going to link to each individual episode to make it easy for you - and because, by the episode titles, you'll see just how fantastic they are!
Episode 2: First Times
Episode 3: Girl Fantasies & Fifty Shades of Grey
Episode 4: The LadyHead Seal of Approval
Episode 5: Kissing
Episode 6: The Greatest Love of All - Masturbation
Episode 7: Writing Sex - A YA Fiction Craft Talk
Episode 8: Cheating
Episode 9: Body Image
There are also a few other non-podcast posts on sex and books which are also pretty interesting. Go listen! Go read! These ladies are amazing!
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