Sunday, 2 March 2014


First Class Post (54) & Weekly Highlights

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

First Class Post

Check out Showcase Sunday over on Books, Bisuits and Tea.

For review:

The Dark Inside by Rupert Wallis - I didn't think it was my cup of tea at first, but after taking part in the blog tour, I'm now intrigued! Hope I like it.

Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock by Matthew Quick - My first review copy I've received by using Bookbridgr! I'm really intrigued by this novel. I think it might move me. I really want to be moved this year!

Sex and Violence: A Novel by Carrie Mesrobian (eProof) - Was really intrigued by this one, and happy to say it was awesome! Keep reading down for my review.

Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan - A proof copy! :) I have already reviewed the US edition, but it's great to have a proof of a Levithan novel! :)


The Year of the Rat by Clare Furniss - This book is meant to be really good, and it sounds so moving! Looking forward to giving it a go! (Not pictured.)


This Is For You by Rob Ryan - This looks so beautiful! And really sweet! Looking forward to jumping in.

The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan - I've wanted this book for ages! Decided to just buy it, finally. It's my Birthday this month, so I treated myself :)

Thank you to Simon and Schuster Children's Books (also via NetGalley), Headline, Michael O'Mara Books, and Egmont UK for the review copies.


Inspired by Faye of A Daydreamer's Thoughts's Weekly Highlights, here are some of my posts from the past week:


Review Copy Cleanup 2014

Just One Day by Gayle Forman

This week I have read 1 review copy, which brings my total for the RCCleanup up to 10! The challenge has ended now, and I'm so happy I went over my target! I was originally thinking I'd like to get 8, but wasn't hoping too much - and I've made 10! So happy with that! :) Just One Day by Gayle Forman is such a beautiful, moving, romantic, empowering novel! Oh my gosh, I looooved it! I cannot rave about this book enough! :D

Sex and Violence: A Novel by Carrie Mesrobian

I also read Sex and Violence: A Novel by Carrie Mesrobian. Such a fantastic novel! Really moving and powerful, nothing like you would think! Really, really loved it! However, as I finished it yesterday, it doesn't count towards my RCCleanup total.

What did you get this week! Please comment with a link to your own posts (link, not URL - ta.)!


  1. Nice haul. I'm like thinking this may not be my cup of tea, but I try a book and find that it really is. Awesome haul.

    Books of Love

    1. Thank you! Yeah, it's awesome when a book you doubt surprises you! :)

  2. Lovely new books! I really want to read Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock.

    My Weekly Recap:

    1. Thanks! Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock does look amazing!

  3. The Lover's Dictionary is fantastic, something a bit different but works so well.

    1. I am so looking forward to it! I love Levithan, and I'm pretty sure this is going to be awesome! :)

  4. Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock is really good - I finished it last night. I think you'll like it. :) The Dark Inside wasn't my cup of tea, unfortunately - hope you have better luck with it!

    1. Really looking forward to Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock, it sounds so good! I'm intrigued by The Dark Inside. I do hope I enjoy more than you do! A little worried about it, but I am quite intrigued!

  5. I really enjoyed The Lover's Dictionary. Just read it last month. Made sense to do it then. :)
    Great haul!
    Happy reading!

    1. Yeah, it was pretty good! :) I really enjoyed it! Great idea to read it last month! :) Thanks!

  6. Ooh Sex and Violence sounds awesome. Heard lots of good things about The Year of the Rat too. And of course, <3 for David Levithan!

    1. Sex and Violence IS awesome! I really loved it! The Lover's Dictionary was great! Looking forward to The Year of the Rat! :)
