Bloggers Get Real: Beth of BooksNest
Welcome to Bloggers Get Real! Inspired by CW of The Quiet Pond's The Pond Gets Loud series, Bloggers Get Real is a YA book bloggers spotlight interview series with the aim of celebrating and supporting YA book bloggers and the work we do, while also discussing the realities of book blogging, the YA community, and the various controversies that have sprung up. I feel it's important to keep these conversations going - our voices matter, what we do matters, and we should be heard.
I'm really excited to have be spotlighting Beth of BooksNest today!
Can you tell us a little about you and your blog?
I started blogging back in 2016, reflectively it was probably a way of dealing with leaving university and needing to fill a hole in my life. I also loved reading other people’s blogs and after starting my Bookstagram account earlier that year, it felt like the right path to take. I was always interested in writing my own blog, but I would never settle on the topic, books seemed a perfect fit once I found the confidence to go for it!
What's unique to your blog?
I am going down the career path of digital marketing, so I know my stuff there (or at least I’m trying to). So I can offer those skills on my blog, but usually mixed in with some wit and sarcasm. I think this makes me blog quite a fun place to be, you can gain useful skills but also not take it all too seriously. Also there’s yellow everywhere on my blog… so if you’re a sunshine fan it’s perfect for you!
We often ask authors in our interviews what they’re writing process is. But what is your blogging process?
I tend to blog mostly at the weekends, sat in my signature mustard armchair and set about to write a blog post. Once I’ve fought with the distractions of Twitter and Instagram a few times, I tend to blast out a post and then neaten it up afterwards. I like to make a to-do list to get through everything I need to do, there’s a lot more little jobs with blogging than you realise before you start.
What other ways are you involved in the YA community?
I have a Bookstagram account (@BooksNest) and a Twitter (@BooksNest), where I’m very active daily on both! I also started a Discord group chat for UKYA bloggers that is still going strong and is just an amazing place to go to feel part of this community. I post daily online, be it on Twitter or Instagram and I get involved with chats that are happening, this definitely makes me feel more involved in the community!
What does book blogging mean to you?
Anything that can encourage others to read is important to me, as a kid I was always glued to a book, so I love to see others who were the same. Writing about books encourages more people to read, and write, and nothing beats that feeling!
Which of your blog posts are you most proud of?
There’s a few recent posts that I’ve been really proud of:

This blog post talks about book blogging myths and why you should be ignoring them. I’ve had a lot of positive feedback from it of people telling me it really helped give them some confidence so that’s awesome!

I really love writing posts that help people, this one details how to request ARCs from publishers, which can often be daunting. It’s one I’m definitely very proud of.

Lastly, my recent post about my scoliosis surprised me with the feedback it received. I discovered a lot of people who shared my condition and I felt less alone. I’m really pleased that this blog post could help others and educate more people about spine curvatures.
What are your greatest book blogging achievements?

UKYABA 2019 Logo credit: @GeeGinGina
Hands down being shortlisted for the Most Inspirational Blogger award for the UKYA Blogging and Vlogging Awards, to be held at the end of July. I can’t believe I’ve been able to get this far with my blogging and I feel so honoured and proud to be part of this amazing community!
What do you love most about blogging/being part of the YA community?
THE PEOPLE. This is truly such an amazing community, I have found such lovely and kind friends because of this bookish world and I can’t imagine where I’d be without them. Getting involved in events like YALC lets you meet so many new faces and then Twitter and Instagram are always there for online support. There are numerous tough times I have gone through with the help of my YA community and I love them all!
What do you wish people knew about running a book blog?
It is not as easy as you think it will be to consistently run a good blog, it takes time and effort and will power. If you’re going to start a blog, and you should because it’s the best thing, it’s worth taking into account what you’re reasoning behind it is. If you’re money motivated, then this may not be for you. If you don’t really have the time to post, that’s fine, but you must expect a slower level of growth. It’s taken me three years of constant posting to get where I am now, it’s been a long journey but I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. Just be patient, love what you’re doing and put your passion into your blog.
What are your thoughts about bloggers monetising their blogs, and idea of book bloggers getting paid?
I have no issue with it, I think if we work really hard, why should we not be able to benefit from it financially? Saying that though, book blogging isn’t the most profitable industry, but you sure could get a few books sent through the post! I come from an ethical background of if you’re doing a job and doing it well, why should you not be paid? I blog because I love it, but if on the odd occasion a brand wants to work with me, that’s fab, it means I’ve managed to get my blog noticed and can see a financial reward for my efforts.
What advice/reassurances/advance FYIs would you give to anyone thinking about starting a book blog?
It may seem like a daunting prospect to start a blog, but everyone has to start somewhere and doing nothing will result in nothing. You have nothing to lose from starting a blog, it takes time and effort and passion but it gives so much back. Starting my blog was one of the best things I ever did and it has helped me so much in my life already. Allow it time to build up, but don’t give up, you will boss it!
And finally, can you tell us about three of your favourite book bloggers?
Connie of Connie Reads
Connie is one of the first bookish people I met and let me tell you, she is the kindest human, the most thoughtful person and the loveliest friend. I adore Connie and I am so thankful for her. She started her blog recently following on from her amazing Instagram and Twitter accounts, she’s a beautiful writer, so huge cheers and jumps of joy for Connie.
Jenn of Jenniely
Jenn has always been one of my inspirations, I’ve looked up to her as a blogger and a friend. She has an amazing talent and a huge breadth of digital marketing knowledge which makes for the best content. She has a clear passion and dedication to everything she does and she is always there for support and advice. Another friend I’m glad to have made through my blog.
Lauren of FictionTea
Lauren’s talent and love for reading is clear the second you step onto her blog and Instagram account. She is inspiring and amazing, I have loved her content for a long time and I’m proud to call her a friend. She knows her stuff and passion pools off of her for her favourite books. If you ever feel like you’re in a reading slump, speak to Lauren, she’ll remind you off your passion for books!
Thank you, Beth, for such fantastic answers! Congratulations on making the UKYA Blogging and Vlogging Awards longlist for Most Inspirational Blogger! I love what Beth says about the YA community, the people are definitely one of the highlights. And Beth's post on how to request ARCs is so informative! Be sure to visit Beth's blog, BooksNest, and check her out on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Check out the other interviews for Bloggers Get Real, and if you are a YA book blogger who would like to take part, do email me!
I'm really excited to have be spotlighting Beth of BooksNest today!

I started blogging back in 2016, reflectively it was probably a way of dealing with leaving university and needing to fill a hole in my life. I also loved reading other people’s blogs and after starting my Bookstagram account earlier that year, it felt like the right path to take. I was always interested in writing my own blog, but I would never settle on the topic, books seemed a perfect fit once I found the confidence to go for it!
What's unique to your blog?
I am going down the career path of digital marketing, so I know my stuff there (or at least I’m trying to). So I can offer those skills on my blog, but usually mixed in with some wit and sarcasm. I think this makes me blog quite a fun place to be, you can gain useful skills but also not take it all too seriously. Also there’s yellow everywhere on my blog… so if you’re a sunshine fan it’s perfect for you!
We often ask authors in our interviews what they’re writing process is. But what is your blogging process?
I tend to blog mostly at the weekends, sat in my signature mustard armchair and set about to write a blog post. Once I’ve fought with the distractions of Twitter and Instagram a few times, I tend to blast out a post and then neaten it up afterwards. I like to make a to-do list to get through everything I need to do, there’s a lot more little jobs with blogging than you realise before you start.
What other ways are you involved in the YA community?
I have a Bookstagram account (@BooksNest) and a Twitter (@BooksNest), where I’m very active daily on both! I also started a Discord group chat for UKYA bloggers that is still going strong and is just an amazing place to go to feel part of this community. I post daily online, be it on Twitter or Instagram and I get involved with chats that are happening, this definitely makes me feel more involved in the community!
What does book blogging mean to you?
Anything that can encourage others to read is important to me, as a kid I was always glued to a book, so I love to see others who were the same. Writing about books encourages more people to read, and write, and nothing beats that feeling!
Which of your blog posts are you most proud of?
There’s a few recent posts that I’ve been really proud of:

This blog post talks about book blogging myths and why you should be ignoring them. I’ve had a lot of positive feedback from it of people telling me it really helped give them some confidence so that’s awesome!

I really love writing posts that help people, this one details how to request ARCs from publishers, which can often be daunting. It’s one I’m definitely very proud of.

Lastly, my recent post about my scoliosis surprised me with the feedback it received. I discovered a lot of people who shared my condition and I felt less alone. I’m really pleased that this blog post could help others and educate more people about spine curvatures.
What are your greatest book blogging achievements?

UKYABA 2019 Logo credit: @GeeGinGina
Hands down being shortlisted for the Most Inspirational Blogger award for the UKYA Blogging and Vlogging Awards, to be held at the end of July. I can’t believe I’ve been able to get this far with my blogging and I feel so honoured and proud to be part of this amazing community!

THE PEOPLE. This is truly such an amazing community, I have found such lovely and kind friends because of this bookish world and I can’t imagine where I’d be without them. Getting involved in events like YALC lets you meet so many new faces and then Twitter and Instagram are always there for online support. There are numerous tough times I have gone through with the help of my YA community and I love them all!
What do you wish people knew about running a book blog?
It is not as easy as you think it will be to consistently run a good blog, it takes time and effort and will power. If you’re going to start a blog, and you should because it’s the best thing, it’s worth taking into account what you’re reasoning behind it is. If you’re money motivated, then this may not be for you. If you don’t really have the time to post, that’s fine, but you must expect a slower level of growth. It’s taken me three years of constant posting to get where I am now, it’s been a long journey but I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. Just be patient, love what you’re doing and put your passion into your blog.
What are your thoughts about bloggers monetising their blogs, and idea of book bloggers getting paid?
I have no issue with it, I think if we work really hard, why should we not be able to benefit from it financially? Saying that though, book blogging isn’t the most profitable industry, but you sure could get a few books sent through the post! I come from an ethical background of if you’re doing a job and doing it well, why should you not be paid? I blog because I love it, but if on the odd occasion a brand wants to work with me, that’s fab, it means I’ve managed to get my blog noticed and can see a financial reward for my efforts.
What advice/reassurances/advance FYIs would you give to anyone thinking about starting a book blog?
It may seem like a daunting prospect to start a blog, but everyone has to start somewhere and doing nothing will result in nothing. You have nothing to lose from starting a blog, it takes time and effort and passion but it gives so much back. Starting my blog was one of the best things I ever did and it has helped me so much in my life already. Allow it time to build up, but don’t give up, you will boss it!
And finally, can you tell us about three of your favourite book bloggers?
Connie is one of the first bookish people I met and let me tell you, she is the kindest human, the most thoughtful person and the loveliest friend. I adore Connie and I am so thankful for her. She started her blog recently following on from her amazing Instagram and Twitter accounts, she’s a beautiful writer, so huge cheers and jumps of joy for Connie.
Jenn has always been one of my inspirations, I’ve looked up to her as a blogger and a friend. She has an amazing talent and a huge breadth of digital marketing knowledge which makes for the best content. She has a clear passion and dedication to everything she does and she is always there for support and advice. Another friend I’m glad to have made through my blog.
Lauren’s talent and love for reading is clear the second you step onto her blog and Instagram account. She is inspiring and amazing, I have loved her content for a long time and I’m proud to call her a friend. She knows her stuff and passion pools off of her for her favourite books. If you ever feel like you’re in a reading slump, speak to Lauren, she’ll remind you off your passion for books!
Thank you, Beth, for such fantastic answers! Congratulations on making the UKYA Blogging and Vlogging Awards longlist for Most Inspirational Blogger! I love what Beth says about the YA community, the people are definitely one of the highlights. And Beth's post on how to request ARCs is so informative! Be sure to visit Beth's blog, BooksNest, and check her out on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Check out the other interviews for Bloggers Get Real, and if you are a YA book blogger who would like to take part, do email me!
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