Thursday, 11 November 2010

News: Websites, Fan Pages, Themed Weeks and Class of 2K11!

More news for you all!


On 1st November Bloomsbury officially launched the ‘signature’ editions of the bestselling Harry Potter series. To celebrate this stunning new look Bloomsbury has simultaneously released a brand new Harry Potter book website –

The website has been designed to complement the new book livery and for the first time the website has games especially designed for online play. Visitors to the site can play Magical
Matches and Harry Potter Connection.

The website also features everything you need to know about the Harry Potter book series. You can read interviews with the author, find out more on the individual titles, watch videos of J.K. Rowling and download posters, bookmarks and desktop wallpapers.

The website will be regularly updated and is a brilliant way to introduce new readers to the magical world of Harry Potter and his adventures at Hogwarts.

There is also a new Facebook Harry Potter fan page you should check out.


Ella of A Clockwork Monkey has created a new fan page blog for all things Lauren Oliver. This is something I'm pretty excited about, seeing as I only just finished reading Before I Fall yesterday - which is amazing! The fan page blog is still being set up, but it's looking pretty good at the moment. Check it out - or read the About Me page for more info.


world AIDs day YA bloggers raise awarenessCaroline of Portrait of a Woman had the brilliant idea of raising awareness of AIDs and HIV for World AIDs Day for a week of reading YA novels that deal with the illnesses from 28th November - 5th December. Check out her page on her blog for more info! And check out the bibliography for a list of books you can read.

anti-bullying weekAnd Emma of Asamum Booktopia is hosting an Anti-Bullying Week from 15th - 19th November to raise awareness of the anti-bullying campaign. She has a list of books you can read for the week, and welcomes suggestions.


Class is out!

The Class of 2k11 is a group of 19 debut middle grade and young adult authors working as a team to promote our books and reading in general. As our novels make their way into the world throughout 2011, this website will keep you up on our activities and bring you along on what’s sure to be a wild ride. We’ll host some off-the-wall contests (with amazing prizes), put out a monthly newsletter and a weekly blog, appear at conferences and book signings around the country and share what we’ve learned about writing and publishing with you.

Best of all, we’ll tell you all about our books and how to get your hands on them. Like any team worth it’s salt, we each bring something unique to the table (or bookshelf). Whether you’re into dystopian, paranormal, realistic, fantasy or historical fiction, there’s a story here for you. Promise.

So come on in and poke around, enter our contests, win some stuff, visit our blog, ask us questions and read some great books. We’re glad to have you on our Team!

Getting the word out,

Team 2k11


  1. Wow, lots of mixed and very interesting news! Thanks, Jo! I'm joining in with both Emma's and Caroline's themed weeks - looking forward to it.

  2. No problem! Both Emma's and Caroline's themed weeks look great, I just don't have the time to take part in the reading. I'll post something though :)
