Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Atom's Book Blogger Party

A few weeks back I was invited by Atom to come visit their offices for a Blogger Party and a look at their forthcoming titles for Spring next year - so, of course, off I went yesterday!

I have one word for you: WOW! There were cakes, there was champagne, and there was book talk! Not just any old book talk - new books coming soon with pretty, pretty covers coming soon book talk! Ooooh, there was some oooh-ing going on, I can tell you!

But I should start from the beginning (please bare with me, I took no notes or photos - I didn't think I would write this, but it's needed). You enter the board room to the lovely people who work at Atom - Rose, Kate, Sam, Gina and Kirsteen - who give you a label with name and blog, and offer out champagne, juice and water, and tell you to help yourself to the absolutely beautiful cakes (that shouldn't have been eaten, in my opinion, they were THAT PRETTY!). Sarah (Sarah's Book Reviews) and Sammee (I Want to Read That) were already there, chatting to Karen (Reading Teenage Fiction) and Kate, so I joined them and discussed things such as how often reviews are posted, cakes, the clocks going back, hair, lots and lots. Once everyone had arrived (list to come), we all sat down around the table, where canvas House of Night bags awaited us, more on that later.

Then the presentation began. Oh my word, you have no idea what is waiting for you next year. There are US bestselling paranormals, highly acclaimed series sequels and novellas, new ventures for Atom with suspenseful thrilllers, translations and contemporary, exciting re-tellings, arty manga, re-published horrors, angels, zombies, and other monsters! Seriously, you have no idea how excited I am! Two of these books were Nightshade by Andrea Cremer and Rosebush by Michelle Jaffe, ARCs of which were found in our goodie bags with such pretty pretty covers (see this week's In My Mailbox later in the week), along with a catalogue including some of the books mentioned. I know some of the other bloggers took notes and photos, so you can read about these books in more depth on some of the other blogs over the next few days, I assume.

EDIT: Sarah has a great write-up you can check out here.

We were also told about a new teen reviewers club, the Atomics, that they're going to start soon, which sounds amazing, if you ask me. We'll be sent a press release soon, so I'll provide more news on that soon - teenagers, keep an eye out, it looks exciting!

Then it was time for more mingling and chatting, looking at books - we were actually allowed to take any of the books we liked that were spread out across the table (again, see this week's IMM), eating of cupcakes, which were decorated for Nightshade and Atomics! Other people have photos, so be sure to check out the other bloggers' posts to see. Soooo pretty!

Then it was time for home, and even though I thought they shouldn't be eaten, I decided to take a cake home for later, and despite being careful... it smooshed over my books, and icing got everywhere. And unfortunately, three of my books are now ruined. Such a clever girl I am!

But it was a brilliant event, and it was great to see known bloggers and meet others, who were...

Ana of The Book Smugglers
Liz and Sarah of My Favourite Books
Molly of Words and Pieces
Rhys of Thirst for Fiction
Amanda of Floor to Ceiling Books
Matthew of Teen Librarian
Andrew of Pewter Wolf
Sarah of Sarah's Book Reviews
Sammee of I Want to Read That
Karen of Reading Teenage Fiction

Publisher events are just so awesome, I'm really looking forward to the next one!


  1. I'm so gutted that I couldn't get to this one. Glad you had an amazing time, though!

  2. You're one lucky girl, Jo. Sounds like an awesome night :D

    Sorry to hear that some of your books were ruined :( I hope they're not unreadable.

  3. Great write up Jo, it was lovely to see you :o) I had such a great time at the event & OMG I can't wait to get my hands on the books that were mentioned! I have to confess I giggled when I heard about your cupcake disaster, that's the kind of thing that usually happens to me so I'm glad I'm not the only one LOL. Glad you've been able to organise replacements though :o)

  4. Sophie - It's a shame! You should have SEEN THOSE CAKES! We were amazed! It was a great night, thanks.

    Ladybug - It was great! Fortunately Atom have been kind enought to send me new copies of ruined books ) They are a bit lovely!

    Sarah - It was awesome! I am so excited for pretty much ALL the books, they sound so exciting! Yup, I should just stay away for cake, I think all books will be safer if I do, lol.

  5. Oh, it sounds wonderful! Thank you for telling us all about it! (And I bet the books were delicious enough WITHOUT the cake smeared on them... ;) )

  6. Haha, I'm sure they were too! I am a bit pf a plum, lol. But it was a great event! Had a good time!

  7. Sounds so fun...i bet its really exciting to see all the new books coming out!

    sorry you got icing on your books :( sounds like something that would happen to me.

    (p.s. - its lovely to meet other UK book bloggers!)

  8. It was a really great event, I enjoyed it! And yup, those poor books! I'm a bit clumsy, lol. It's great to see there are other UK bloggers! Will check out your blog :)
