Monday, 14 September 2009


Going on Holiday - Again!

I know, I know! This is my third holiday this year, but the opportunity has come up to go to Denmark and visit some family for two weeks, and I'd be mad to turn it down.

This means I will be away for two weeks from tomorrow. I should hopefully have some reviews for you when I get home. I'm taking Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway, Vampire Academy by Richelle Read and City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I hope to finish Rogue by Rachel Vincent today and get a review up hopefully late this evening (as I'm mentioning books, this is going to be today's post for "It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (2)").

Also, thanks to Jessica of Nayu's Reading Corner for sending me Changeling and Changeling: Dark Moon by Steve Feasey! You're awesome! (This is as there will be no IMM for a few weeks).

Hope you all have a great two weeks, and I shall see you all soon!


  1. Bye, Jo, have a fantastic time!

  2. Have a great time - glad I found your blog. I'll catch up on the older entries while you're away. ;)


    P.S. Thanks so much for listing my blog in your sidebar. That's really kind of you!

  3. Have fun Jo! I read one of the books to consider for further reading from Sex in YA Lit month: "Loose Girl: A Memior of Promiscuity" by Kerry Cohen. It was interesting and thought provoking... my review can be found here:
