Sunday 1 October 2017

Retellings Reading Challenge 2017: October Link-Up

Retellings Reading Challenge 2016

Welcome to the Retellings Reading Challenge 2017 link-up for October! You can link up your reviews at the bottom of this post.

How have you been doing for the challenge? I've not read any retellings for a while, and I've fallen a little behind. Need to get a move on if I want to finish the challenge before the end of the year! Can you believe there's only three months left?! Where has the time gone?

Please post the links to your reviews from October in the link-up below. But before you do...
  • You must sign up for the challenge before you post links to your reviews. Links from people who haven't signed up will be deleted. Sign up for the challenge here.
  • Make sure your links go directly to your reviews, not to your blog/Goodreads page/youtube channel/insta account, etc. Those of the latter will be deleted.
  • To count, books must be read and reviewed in October or finished reading at the very end of September (29th/30th), reviewed at the very beginning of October (1st/2nd).
  • When you link to your reviews, in the "Name" field, please include the title of the book, the author, and your blog name. For example: Wicked by Gregory Maguire @ Once Upon a Bookcase.
  • When sharing your reviews on social media, don't forget to use the #RetellingsRC2017 hashtag, so we can all find your reviews.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm too late to add my review to the link so I figured I'd post it in a comment (better late than never right? LOL). I reviewed The Black Lily by Juliette Cross in October and really enjoyed it, it's a Cinderella retelling with vampires and we've already met Red Riding Hood who I'm assuming will be the main character in the next book!
