Friday, 31 July 2015

July's Monthly Recap

Inspired by Faye of A Daydreamer's Thoughts's Weekly Recap, here is a recap of my posts over the last week, and anything else I found interesting.

Monthly Recap

Monthly Recap

  • 5 to 1 by Holly Bodger - Oh my god, this book was so good! A brilliant feminist dystopian YA novel where the matriachy are in charge, and still screwing everyone up.
  • Horns by Joe Hill - An awesome dark fantasy that really gets you thinking about good and evil, and the depravity of human thoughts.
  • The Awesome by Eva Darrows - A great urban fantasy novel about a teenage monster hunter, but I found Maggie too snarky, and didn't like her crappy attitude towards women.
  • George by Alex Gino - A beautiful and incredible powerful LGBTQ novel about a ten-year-old trans girl. SO, SO GOOD! (Not pictured - I borrowed this book, and have given it back.)
  • Fool's Assassin by Robin Hobb - An incredible new high fantasy novel about such beloved characters! It was wonderful being back in this world again with Fitz, and seeing how his life gets turned upside down, again.
  • I'm a Girl! by Yasmeen Ismail - A wonderful picture book that challenges gender-roles for children!
  • Creative Coloring Inspirations by Valentina Harper  - My first colouring book review! Full of photos! I enjoyed this colouring book, but I think it's more the kind I'd want to dip in and out of, than complete before moving on; some of the illustrations are a bit samey.
Other posts:
    Elsewhere online:

    Inspired by Cait at Paperfury and the awesome links she shares.
    My writing:

    As you may or may not know, I have another blog, Jo's Journal, where I write about topics that are important to me, and I'm trying to get my writing out there to be read by more people. I was at The Coven this month, asking if offensive jokes can be funny. I also blogged about body shaming slim girls in We're Real Women, Too: On Sizeism and Skinny Shaming.


      1. Ooh, SO MANY LINKS. *clicks wildly* I love link collections. ;-) And awk, thanks for linking to my tutorial!
        Sounds like you had a rather marvellous reading month! :D YAY! I really want to read 5 to's probably going on my buy list (eventually, hehe) because everyone raves and I neeed more well written feministic dystopians in my life. *nods*

        1. You're welcome! Yeaaah, I'm now discovering quite a few links about on Twitter. If I follow the right people, it's easy to discover various things without getting lost in ALL THE TWEETS! Haha!

          I had a pretty good reading month, but nowhere near as good as yours! Such a speedy reader! But I don't think I did too badly, for me :) I do hope you love 5 to 1 when you read it, it's SO good!
