Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Top Ten Books I've Read so Far in 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme run by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is Top Ten Books I've Read so Far in 2015.

Blood of Dragons by Robin Hobb The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson

Blood of Dragons by Robin Hobb - My review - The final book in The Rain Wild Chronicles, and a fantastic end to the series! And reading it caught me up with all the books set in The Realm of the Elderlings, so I can read Fool's Assassin, the first book in the Fitz and the Fool series, the fifth series set in the Realm. Phew! But I am excited! Draaaagons! And Hobb's writing. I just love it!

The Art of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson - My review - This is such a wonderful transgender novel, and a fantastic debut you novel. Such a brilliant story, and highly recommended!

Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley All the Bright Places by Jennifer Nevin

Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley - My review - This book is incredible, and wonderfully diverse! Set during integration in the 1950s, it looks at the issues of race and sexuality at a time when white ruled, and any sexuality other than straight was simply not discussed. An unbelievable book, so good! I implore you to read it!

All the Bright Places by Jennifer Nevin - My review - This book is absolutely beautiful. It's heartbreaking and I struggle every time to describe this book. It's so brilliant, I just can't find the words. About mental illness, and loosely based on things the author has experienced.

The Last Summer of Us by Maggie Harcourt Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

The Last Summer of Us by Maggie Harcourt - My review - This book! It's so good, I just can't tell you. It deals with grief and friendship, and it's so beautiful, and sad, and... I'm going to end up repeating myself. It's just awesome!

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman - My review - High fantasy with dragons! And mystery and just so much wow! I loved it!

Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough

Not Otherwise Specified by Hannah Moskowitz - My review - This is a fantastic intersectional novel! A bisexual woman of colour with an eating disorder, and a wonderful story of friendship, too! It's absolutely incredible!

The Game of Love and Death by Martha Brockenbrough - My review - Another fantastic novel with a woman of colour, and LGBTQ elements. Set in the 1930s (I believe! Correct me if I'm wrong!), Love and Death are in competition, each choosing a different player, to see who will win. It's brilliant!

Every Last Word by Tammara Ireland Stone The Accident Season by Mora Fowley-Doyle

Every Last Word by Tammara Ireland Stone - My review - This book is so beautiful. On mental illness again, and just brilliant! Inspired me to pick up writing poetry, and it's a completely wonderful story.

The Accident Season by Mora Fowley-Doyle - My review - THIS BOOK! I reviewed it earlier today, and it's just brilliant! A mysterious paranormal-ish novel with suspense and creepiness! I loved it!

Have you read any of these? What have your favourites been?


  1. Great list! I really want to read All the Bright Places because everyone seems to enjoy it. I loved Every Last Word! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. All the Bright Places is amazing! I absolutely loved it, it moved me so much! And Every Last Word is so good! :)

      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. I haven't read any of these, sadly. I've heard lots of good things about ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES, so it's definitely on my TBR list. Hopefully, I'll get to it soon.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Oh, do try! It's brilliant! :)

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I'm seeing a Game of Love and Death EVERYWHERE for this prompt!! I want to read it sooo bad. Gah, I feel super behind on all the 2015 releases, tbh. I've been backtracking and reading some old series (like bingeing all the Riordan! XD) and then I'm falling behind on the new releases and IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN, DANG IT. Anyway. I love All the Bright Places. I read it last year, but it made me bawl.
