Sunday 12 August 2012

First Class Post (14)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

first class post

For review:

Arabesque by Colin Mulhern - GoodreadsAmazon
This was an unsolicited review copy, and one I doubt I'll read. A gymnast becoming a thief on the order of her kidnapper, it just doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all.

Emma Hearts LA by Keris Stainton - Goodreads / Amazon
This book was supposed to back in May/June, but there were some mistakes made, and it didn't arrive. But the publishers were kind enough to send me a copy now! Really looking forward to reading it!

Seeking Crystal by Joss Stirling - Goodreads / Amazon
I'm still to reading the second book in the Benedict series, Stealing Phoenix, but I'm glad to have the third book too! Can read them one after the other now! :)


If I Die by Rachel Vincent - Goodreads / Amazon
Because I was one of the winners of Rachel Vincent's Soul Screamers Flow Chart competition (look at all those awesome entries!), I got to choose a book from Rachel's prize list, and this is what I chose. And it's signed! :D I am SO HAPPY! Because Rachel lives in the US, it seems very unlikely that I'll ever get to meet her, so to have won a signed book by one of my favourite authors... I am over the moon! Lookie:

first class post

Thank you to Catnip Publishing, Orchard Books, and OUP for the review copies.


  1. Can't wait to see what you think of Emma Hearts LA! I see you're reading Jessica Hearts NYC at the moment, so I'll keep my eyes peeled for your review if you review it. I have a copy that's been begging me to read it for ages :D SO awesome you won a SIGNED book from one of your fave authors, congrats!!

    You've had a great week :D Enjoy!

    1. I will be reviewing Jess Hearts NYC :) I'm looking forward to trying Emma, it sounds good!

      I know, I was so excited to win If I Die! I think it's unlikely that Vincent will be coming to the UK, so it's great to have a signed book.


  2. Arabesque is amazing. It is on goodreads now too!

    1. Aah, I shall go and edit and add the link. Glad you enjoyed it, but it doesn't sound like my cup of tea at all.

  3. Emma is amazing! I hope you enjoy it! I really like the sounds of Arabesque and cant wait to read my copy but understand its not everyones cup of tea…. Seeking Crystal; IM SO JEALOUS! I need that book!! haha

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to Emma. Yeah, Arabesque just doesn't appeal to me at all, for some reason. Haha, I'm really looking forward to catching up on the Benedict series, Finding Sky was SO GOOD!

  4. Oh, great signed copy! & Enjoy your books :D

  5. Emma Hearts LA is so, so good. It's my favourite of Keris's so far. I hope you love it!

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading it! :)

  6. I quite enjoyed Seeking Crystal, I need to put my review up soon! Nice haul and congrats on winning the competition!

    1. Thank you! :) Looking forward to continuing with the Benedict series!
