Tuesday 29 March 2011

It's Not Personal, But Should it Be?

I have been thinking over the last few days about possibly making the blog a little more personal. Pretty much all of my posts are in someway related to books, and that's fine, that's what a book blog is mainly for. However, I've just been wondering whether or not my readers felt they knew me at all. You know I can get really gushy about books I love, and that I can be passionate about certain topics because of the themed months, but about me?

So I thought I'd ask you. Do you think you know me? Would you like to see an addition of personal posts, or keep it strictly book related? Are you not bothered either way? If you would like to see personal posts, what are the kind of things you'd like to see?

Also, while I'm here, what do you think of vlogs? I've finally worked out how to work my inbuilt webcam, and have been toying with the idea of vlogging IMM (and possibly event reports, because I just can't write them up. I can go on and on about them verbally, but writing doesn't seem to work for me). Would this appeal or not? And does anyone know of some good, reliable free video editing software I can download? Because I know I'll screw it up :) Thanks for your thoughts!


  1. I love vlogs so yes, that would be a great idea. Although I love visiting your blog, I must admit I don't really know anything about you as a person apart from what you like to read. I would enjoy getting to know you more :)

  2. I would love to get to know you more. I love personal posts. And I can't wait for vlogs! I would really love to do a vlog but haven't a clue how to do them.

  3. I love personal posts as I tend to do them and ramble lol.
    Vlogs are great for other people to do I get too embarrassed to see myself *shudders*

  4. Hi Jo, I would be happy to read personal posts so I say go for it :o) It's your blog so post whatever you feel like. When it comes to vlogs I wouldn't have a clue how to make one myself but I enjoy watching other people's. I don't tend to read the IMM posts very often anymore because it's not something I take part in but I'd love to watch vlogs about the events you've been going to :o)

  5. Thank you all for your comments! What kind of thing would you like to see in personal posts? Just so I have an idea of what you'd find interesting. Cheers!

  6. I'd love to know more about you. I like book blogs that stay mostly about books rather than blogs that are about books once every few weeks but I definitely have no problem knowing more about the bloggers.

    I don't watch vlogs personally but I know lots of people do.

  7. I've been following your blog for months now but don't feel like I know anything about you if I'm honest. I would like to see more of your life and personality in your posts. As a fellow blogger and reader who loves reviews I do like to know more about the blogger so I can get some insight into where they are coming from and what might influence their tastes and opinions.

    I'm not a big vlog fan really but that's probably because I don't see many. lol

  8. I like knowing more about the bloggers I read, so I say "go for it"!

  9. I read blogs that are strictly books, and I read blogs that are a bit more personal. I love them both, as long as they're well done. As for topics, I think you should talk about whatever's interesting to you... that's what will make it unique. Thoughts on life, that weirdo you met on the bus, the last movie you saw that absolutely sucked- go for it!

    Vlogs- meh. I know lots of people love them to death but I NEVER ever watch them. That's just me.

  10. Thanks for all your comments! First personal post coming tomorrow! :)

  11. I will keep reading your blogs regardless Jo. But it would be great to learn more about you. And yes to the vlogs! Vlogs are fun!

  12. Great idea, I usually don't get enough about the bloggers except their style because of the layout.

  13. Thanks! I hope you enjoy the personal posts I post in future :)

  14. Oops. I said I was going to leave a comment when I got caught up, didn't think it would take so long to do so! I love personal posts, especially from my favourite book bloggers. It's nice to get to know the person behind the books.

  15. Well I hope you enjoy them! :) And no worries about taking a while!
