Friday, 3 September 2010


News: Ivy4Evr - The Second Pilot

You may remember a few months back I reviewed the first pilot of Ivy4Evr. Well, today, I received an email from Blast Theory, the people behind the project, with some teaser news:

"Ivy4Evr is an interactive, SMS-based drama for teens, created and written by Blast Theory and Tony White. It deals with areas such as family issues, drugs, alcohol and sex in a teen context. The SMS drama takes place via the user's mobile phone and will give them the chance to interact via SMS messages, changing the narrative as they go along.

After a successful first trial in June for 50 users, we are currently preparing a second trial for October for 5,000 users this time round. We are inviting young people to take part in an exclusive sneak peak of the pilot episode of Ivy4Evr for one week from 10th - 16th October, with the chance to win an Iphone-4 for the teenagers who register for this trial."

Sounds good, huh? In the near future I will be sent a press release so I can give you more info on this brilliant project!


  1. I took part in the first one, and I thought it was pretty cool! I look forward to seeing what goes on this time round! :)
