Wednesday, 22 September 2010

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News: Angela Morrison to Blog the Third Book in the Taken By Storm Trilogy

We had Taken by Storm, we now have Unbroken Connection. Now Angela Morrison is going to give us Cayman Summer - as she writes it! I'll let her tell you in her own words...

cayman summer by angela morrisonI'm trying a huge experiment with this novel. I'm going to blog it as I write it. You'll get to see all my messy rough drafts, half-baked poems, and help me revise! The CAYMAN SUMMER Blog will officially launch October 15th. I'll let you know when the site goes live. This is going to be a great creative adventure for me. I hope you join in.

I think this is such an AWESOME idea! I still need to get my hands on a copy of Unbroken Connection, so I may not read it when the blog starts, but how cool to actually see an author write, and the process she goes through? I think it's going to be awesome.

And check out that swanky new cover! Her son Rob designed it! Nifty, huh? A very talented family!

As soon as I know when the blog for Cayman Summer is live, you'll know!


  1. I am currently reading TAKEN BY STORM and enjoying. Hope it to be as good as I expect. Congrats, Angela!!!

  2. Taken By Storm is amazing! I absolutely love it! One of my fave novels! So excited to read Unbroken Connection once Amazon UK sells it in paperback! :)

  3. Great news! I need to get Unbroken Connection asap as well!

  4. I really can't wait to read it! I just can't afford the postage to be ordering it from Amazon US. Will wait for it on Amazon UK :)

  5. I have the first two books but haven't read them yet. This sounds like an interesting project!

  6. Oh, the first one is amazing, I'm sure you'll love it! Really can't wait to start the second! I think the blog is going to be amazing! :)

  7. Jo, You're the best! I've got the CAYMAN SUMMER blog running, but it's pretty basic at this point. My son is working on jazzing it up for me. Feel free, though, to stop by and take a look!

  8. Haha, thank you, Angela! :) Your books are amazing, so anything to help! I'll edit the post and include the link :)
