Friday, 21 March 2014


Fifth Bloggerversary: A Look at A Novel Cover Up

Today, for my fifth bloggerversary, I'm looking at my semi-regular feature, A Novel Cover Up.

A Novel Cover Up

A Novel Cover Up is my feature where cover designers - or those involved in cover design - discuss the process underwent to design certain covers, either through guest post or interview. As features go, A Novel Cover Up is still a baby, having looked at just 11 covers so far, but it's something I really enjoy.

It's fascinating to me the various steps, the back-and-forths, the various early drafts that are are designed and then discarded. Such a long, detailed process, so much time and effort. How many of us - and by us, I don't mean bloggers and blog readers, I mean all readers everywhere - actually pay that much attention to the cover, other than when you first pick it up and then to recognise which book is which? There are so many beautiful covers out there, beautiful pieces of art, that don't really get that much of s second thought.

And that's the point of A Novel Cover Up. To make that second look a much deeper one. To understand symbolism, and what the cover is meant to convey about the story. To see just how much thought goes into each cover. I absolutely love seeing the other drafts that the designers thought up before the final cover is decided on. I also love checking out the designers' websites, if available, and seeing all the other covers I know of that they've designed, other favourites. It's amazing the skill these people have.

Three of my favourties of the interviews I've conducted are those for:

One Seriously Messed-Up Weekend in the Otherwise Un-Messed-Up Life of Jack Samsonite by Tom Clempson Keras by Simon Rae The Dark Inside by Rupert Wallis

I love these three in particular, because the cover designers have such fantastic early drafts, that they were more than happy to share. Each designer goes into such brilliant detail about the process for each book, and it's just wonderful!

This is a feature I really love, and I do hope to get more designers talking about covers and have it become a more regular thing. I have a few posts lined up, and others waiting to hear back on, so keep an eye out!

If there are any publicists/cover designers reading who would be interested in promoting a title via A Novel Cover Up, please get in contact!


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