Saturday, 12 May 2012

First Class Post (1)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

first class post

For review:

City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare - Goodreads / Amazon
The fifth book in the series! I still need to get past book two, unrfortunately; I had some issues with it first time round. But I loved the first book, so I'm hoping to get through it at some point!

Black Dawn by Rachel Caine - Goodreads / Amazon
Wooo! I am SO excited to read this book! Last Breath ended on SUCH a cliff hanger, and I'm so glad I can finally find out what happens next! And, as I host the Morganville Vampires Reading Challenge over on Ink and Paper, the lovely publicist asked Rachel Caine to sign a copy for me when she was in the office last week (see below)! Eee, I'm a happy chappy!

Changeling by Philippa Gregory - Goodreads / Amazon
I now have a finished copy. Looking forward to trying this!

Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready - Goodreads / Amazon
Whoop, the last book in the series! I still have to read the second book, but I absolutely loved the first! Looking forward to seeing what happens!

Chime by Franny Billingsley - Goodreads / Amazon
How GOOD does this book sound?! Eeee, I am excited! Gots to love me some magic! Really looking forward to reading this!

signed black dawn by rachel caine


  1. Really great haul :) I just got Chime from the store too XD it sounds super good! Happy Reading :)

    1. Thank you! I'm really looking forward to Chime, it sounds so intriguing! Hope you enjoy it too!

  2. New Follower! I picked up Chime a few weeks ago and have been wanting to read it so bad but have been unable to sneak it in yet. :(

    Hopping thru checking out mailboxes! Come see what I got at Gimme's Goodies this week! Happy Reading!

    1. Oh, thanks for following! Chime does sound really good, I'm looking forward to reading it! Thanks!

  3. So jealous that you have Changeling! i can't wait to read it!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm really looking forward to reading Changeling! :)

  5. Why did you stop IMM? I've never done it, so I don't really know much about it, but every blogger who was previously doing it, has stopped, and I don't know why?

    1. If you check out this post, it may help you understand. :)

  6. CHANGELING! I've been seeing this in so many mailboxes this week. I am super excited to get my hands on a copy. I haven't read a good YA historical novel in ages and I've also been hearing GREAT things about Philippa's books!

    Oooh SHINE! I need to catch up on Shift asap. This series has seriously been haunting me lately. The universe is obviously telling me something.

    And CHIME! Really can't wait to see what you think of that whenever you get around to reading it. Maybe I should just come take a holiday in your bookshelf :D Enjoy!!

    1. OH BRODIE! If you take a holiday in my bookshelf, I need to take one in yours! Deal?! :P

      Changeling looks good! I'm not too big on historicals, but I can look at it as a high fantasy! And I haven't read a high fantasy in forever! So this could be awesome!

      I also need to read Shift! I loved the first book, though, so excited to continue with the series!

      Chime also sounds really awesome! Can't wait to read it! :)

  7. Oh my goodness, Jo! Look at all those amazing books! I got CHangeline and CoLS this week, too. hope you enjoy! xx

    Oh... WAIT! RACHEL SIGNED BD FOR YOU! Eeee! Is pretty--congrats! ♥

    1. Thank you! Looking forward to both Changeling and CoLS - when I get through the others! :)

      I KNOW! I am sooo happy! Thanks! :)

  8. Great books this week! I'm really looking forward to reading City of Lost Souls but I think I need to re-read City of Fallen Angels first to remind myself of what happened and also because I forgot to write the review for it (oops)

    1. Thank you! Haha! How'd you manage that? I still have the rest of the series to read, lots of catching up to do!
