Wednesday, 29 February 2012

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Review: The Dead Girls' Dance by Rachel Caine

The Dead Girl's Dance by Rachel CaineThe Dead Girls' Dance by Rachel Caine - WARNING! I cannot review this book without spoiling the others in the series. Read no further if you're planning on reading this series and don't want it spoiled for you.

Claire has her share of challenges. Like being a genius in a school that favours beauty over brains; homicidal girls in her dorm, and finding out that her college town is overrun with bloodsucking fiends. On the plus side, so far Claire and her friends have managed to survive getting on the wrong side of some Morganville VIPs - Vampire Important Persons. But their temporary peace is in danger of collapsing, thanks to the arrival of her new boyfriend's scary father and his vampire-fighting supporters. From the blurb.

I find it truly amazing how much you can forget about a story. The main things I remembered about this story? The invitation the The Dead Girls' Dance, the actual dance, with the searching and that things go wrong. But  actually got the plot of this story way off. I could have sworn this story happened much later in the series, but after re-reading how the first book ended, it seems quite obvious that this story would be book two. Even so, I remembered very little of the actual plot and how things worked out, so it was almost like reading a new book in the series, just as exciting, because I didn't remember!

Frank Collins, Shane's father, is back in Morganville, and he's brought some friends. A whole lot of friends. Bikers to be exact. All with one purpose in mind; to kill them some vampires. Frank Collins, never the nicest of men, went completely off the rails once he remembered how his daughter, Shane's little sister Alyssa, was killed, and following the death of Shane's mother, and he wants revenge. And plans to forcefully drag his son down with him on what is practically a suicide attempt. So, because gets involved and in some trouble, Claire, Eve and Michael get involved too.

I love these characters! They're just so awesome! Shane with his fierce protective streak and his loyalty, despite what he can sometimes get in return. Claire with her determination to save those she loves even if it risks her own life. Eve with her spunk, general fierceness, and sense of humour. And Michael with his sensible responsible side, trying to help but also keep everyone safe and out of trouble at the same time. I LOVE THEM! And we meet Sam in this book too, and he is just a sweetheart, even if he is a vamp. I do love him.

What I love about this book is how much they all have to go through. You'd think one problem is enough to deal with, but Caine disagrees, and chucks more and more on their plate. On the path to trying to sort out one problem, they turn a corner and BAM, there's something else to deal with too. At every corner something new, some things so terribly awful, it's amazing how they don't crack under all the stress. It's fast paced, with action a-plenty, and completely gripping. I've said it before and I'll say it again; Rachel Caine is a genius!

Published: 2008
Publisher: Allison & Busby
Rachel Caine's Website

My other reviews from the series:
Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires Book 1)


  1. Really good review!! I haven't seen that cover it one of the US book covers? :)

    1. Thank you! :) No, it was the UK cover before they all changed. It's just the edition I have.

  2. Yay, Sam! You've made me want to re-read the series so badly...

    1. You should be! It's awesome, as you well know! :P

  3. Who is that meant to be on the cover? I imported my book ages ago so I have the US ones, which have their own fun game of whotheheckisthis on the covers too.

    1. Haha, I know exactly what you mean! I have no clue! Claire maybe? Yet, that isn't what I imagine her to look like. Who knows?! Lol.
