Monday, 10 January 2011

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Rise of the Wolf Blog Tour: Were Creation Challenge Competition and Chapter 1!

Today is the fourth stop on the Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf by Curtis Jobling! This tour comes with a twist - the Were Creation Challenge Competition! An A3 drawing, started by Curtis Jobling, is being sent from blogger to blogger, with each person adding to it each time, which you will have a chance to win at the end of the tour, so keep a close eye on the tour dates!

Here is what the drawing looks like so far:

were creation drawing competition

Pretty cool, huh?

And also for your reading pleasure, here is the first chapter of Rise of the Wolf!

Wereworld: Rise of the Wolf - Chapter 1

For the next stop on the tour, head on over to Madhouse Family Reviews on 13th January for further progress on the drawing and a review!

Be sure to check out Curtis Jobling's website!


  1. It's looking good! :) I'm glad it got to you okay.

  2. Thank you for sending it! :) This is such a cool idea! I love it! :)

  3. LOL I'm loving the additions of the peircings! And that collar. Awesome! The book is awesome too.

  4. Haha, I'm glad you liked it! I tried punking him up a bit :) I've not yet read the book, but I'm looking forward to it! :)

  5. He got to us safely too and here he is now !

