Tuesday, 16 November 2010

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News: The New UK Covers for the Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead

Here are the full set of new UK covers for the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead. I think they're pretty cool mysel! What do you think?

va uk coversva uk covers
va uk coversva uk covers
va uk coversva uk covers

EDIT: If you can't see the above images, try looking at this post in Firefox. For some reason, I can't see them in IE, but I can in Firefox.

And in comparison to the last lot...

va uk coversva uk covers
va uk coversva uk covers
va uk covers

Are they better? Worse? Are you indifferent?


  1. The covers are not showing for me =(

  2. They're not for me either :/ But are for other people. I don't know what the problem is.

    I've just tried on Firefox rather than IE and I can see them!

  3. They're working fine in Safari on my iPad. I love them! The new red ones are definitely my favourites.

  4. I love the new covers! Much better than the old ones (and the US ones) in my opinion.

  5. I can see them in Firefox too - slight delay in loading. I do like these red covers, I wasn't a fan of the "girl" ones.

  6. The Slowest Bookworm - Glad you can see them! I do like the red ones, but I like the different colors of the older ones.

    Hayley - I was never a huge fan of the US covers, but I like what we originally did with the US to make them our own.

    Karen - Glad you can see them! Ahh, I think I'm more of a fan of the girl one, lol.

  7. I'm seeing the images in Google Chrome :) took a few extra seconds for them to appear but I see them just fine.

    I'm not quite sure what I think of the new covers, I think perhaps that it is too much of the red color.

    Ladybug of Escape In A Book.

  8. Great stuff, glad you can see them! I think I have the same opinion. They weer different colours.. maybe. I still like them, though!

  9. I can't see them, but I know what they look like! They're gorgeous! Though it's annoying that they've had three different styles in a six-book series.

    P.S. I'm reading Last Sacrifice now and it's AMAZING!

  10. They are really pretty in the flesh! Eeeee! I am so excited! Reall hope you enjoy it, but I've got Ghost Town by RC to read next, then Last Sacrifice! I'm having to resist! Lol.

  11. Eh, these are FANTASTIC books but no country can seem to pull out a good cover for these books! So sad.

  12. Awwk, it's a shame you don't like them, I don't thin theyr'e that bad. I quite liked the older ones, lol. But I agree, brilliant books!

  13. They are more unique but I like the old ones.

    Want to be featured?

  14. I think I agree with you! :)

  15. i love both versions :)


  16. Don't prefer one set to the other Cool :)

  17. Where can I buy all of the books with the red cover? Can't find all of them :(

  18. I'm sorry, I don't know. The odd book is sold on Amazon and The Book Depository. I guess the others can be found in UK book shops, but I can't guarantee it. I shall email and ask.

  19. I'm in America and I think the covers are amazing, and I ordered the books, but I can't find Book 1 anywhere? any ideas where i can find it?!?!?!

  20. You can get it here:

  21. http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/Vampire-Academy-Richelle-Mead/9780141328522 doesn't have frostbite in the red cover :( do u know where can i get it if i'm in america?

    1. I'm afraid not, not without paying for delivery. You could try here.
