Tuesday, 13 July 2010

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News: Global Cool Says Read Books in Public!

I have been emailed by Global Cool about a brilliant new scheme they're doing in the UK!

Global Cool, an organisation that promotes green lifestyles, is running a campaign to celebrate the joys of reading books on public transport. This week we're launching Books In Public as part of our Do It In Public campaign, which promotes the use of public transport over the car.

As part of Books In Public we will be:

- Giving away free samples of seven different books over the course of seven weeks at bus and train stations around the UK, in association with Hodder & Stoughton.

- Asking people who get the samples to come to our website and review it.

- Asking our audience for their favourite books to read on public transport. Everyone who recommends a books will receive access to a 5% discount from the Book Depository.

The first hand out will be on Thursday and to find out the locations, those interested need to sign up to our site before 8pm on Wednesday evening, when we'll be emailing everyone with the locations.

Sound pretty awesome, huh? Check it out! I myself will be sending something in about my favourite book!


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