Saturday, 3 April 2010

In My Mailbox (27)

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren. Check out her awesome YA reviews.

Just one book this week.

For Review:

Skuldugery Pleasant: Dark Days by Derek LandySkuldugery Pleasant: Dark Days by Derek Landy

It's the fourth Skulduggery Pleasant adventure! only Skulduggery Pleasant himself is lost on the other side of a portal, with only some evil gods for company. Can he possible survive? (Yes, all right, he's already dead. But still.) What can we say, without giving too much away? Not much, is the answer. But what we CAN say is that this book is hilarious, it's tense, and it's packed with all the eye-popping action, crackling one liners and imaginative set pieces you've come to expect. There's a new threat to our plucky heroine, of course. But that's not all. There's also the little fact of the Big Bad, the uber-baddy who's going to come along and really, really destroy the world. (Really.) And what we learn about that villain in this book will literally make your jaw fall off and your hair go white with shock. (Not really.) Will Skulduggery make it out of the Faceless Ones' dimension? Who knows. The problem is, he may not have much to come back to!

This is the fourth book in the series! I've yet to read the first book, but I've heard it's brilliant and it's sitting on my TBR pile. I best hurry up and catch up!


  1. Even though I don't participate, I am still addicted to looking at others' IMM!

  2. I love it too! It's great seeing what other people received!

  3. I haven't read this series yet but omg I love the covers.

  4. They are pretty awesome, aren't they?! :)

  5. I keep seeing the Skuldugery Pleasant series when I'm book shopping & being very tempted to pick up the first book! I'll be looking forward to reading your review :o)

  6. I love these covers but I have't read this one either, it sounds interesting :-)

  7. I got this too.. looks great! I need to catch up as well as have only read books 1 & 2. Enjoy!

  8. I haven't read any of these books but they look fun. I hope you like them.

    Here is my mailbox.

  9. My 8yr. old is just starting this series and she's very excited, I look forward to your review.

  10. Sarah - The covers are really striking, aren't they? I'm looking forward to reading the first one, my Mum raves about it!

    Carla - I'm looking forward to reading the first one, I'm so intrigued!

    Jenny - Cheers! I really need to get a shift on.

    Christina - Thank you! :)

    Charmaine - Thank you! :) If your 8 year old is excited, that's good enough for me! I really have to get my backside into gear.

  11. Great cover!!=) I will have to look into it more!!=)

    Enjoy your reads this week
    & check out my mailbox if you have time!!
    Chasity @
    Lovin' & Livin' Life in the 808

  12. Thanks! I'm looking forward to starting the first one :)

  13. I hope that you will enjoy your books.
