Thursday, 20 August 2009

BBAW Nominations: Thank You!

X-Posted from Ink and Paper:

I'm a happy bunny! Why? Because Ink and Paper have been nominated for Best Speculative Fiction Blog (i.e. Fantasy/Horror/Sci-Fi/Spec-Fic) for the Book Blogger Appreciation Week Awards!

Thank you so much to everyone who nominated me, I'm over the moon! I never thought I would be nominated, and it's just so awesome that you think me worthy of the chance to be short listed! There are so many awesome speculative fiction blogs out there, so many (!), and it's just awesome to have been considered. I'm afraid I don't know who else has been nominated for this award apart from Memory's blog, Stella Matutina. Congrats to you, Memory, and everyone else who was nominated - please let me know! And good luck to you all.

Also, I am chuffed to say, Ink and Paper Specials has been nominated for Best YA Blog, which is just phenominal. The blog has been around for what, two and a half months? And it's been nominated for Best YA Blog? What's going on?! That's unreal, thank you so SO much! That's just so... I don't even know. How many YA blogs are out there that are just amazing? And Ink and Paper Specials gets nominated. Seriously, that's just fantastic, and I can't thank you enough. Really.

ETA: I've just found out I've also been nominated for Best Series or Feature for Belle's Library on Ink and Paper! I am so stoked, you have NO idea! Thank you, a thousand times, thank you!

Did you get nominated for any awards? Let me know which! Congrats to you all!