Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Blogging Hiatus

I’m going to take a blogging hiatus. I’ve been quite stressed and overwhelmed for the last few weeks, and it’s affecting my mental health. I’m drained and exhausted all the time, and I’m not able to come up with content right now, or have the motivation to actually create any content. This also applies to Instagram. No reviews or other content for the foreseeable. I’m not ok, but I am ok, if that makes sense. There’s no cause for worry. I just need a break.

For any publishers reading, I will still review the ARCs I’ve been sent, the reviews will just be delayed for a time.

I’ll still be about on Twitter, and I’ll probably still be posting Insta stories, as I’m still capable of reading - handle for both is @OnceUponABkcase - so I’m not disappearing completely. Just taking a break from creating content.

Hopefully I won’t be away too long. See you on the other side.


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