13 Facts About Me
In order to help you guys get to know me a little better, here are some random facts about me!
1. My favourite film is The Notebook. Part of me finds this really annoying, because it makes me feel like a cliché, but it's so beautiful. When I first saw it, I really hoped it was based on a true story. I cry every time I see it.
2. I've been scared of dogs ever since my aunt's Alsatian clawed me when I was two. I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be - as a child, I would start crying whenever I passed a dog on the street, and another aunt used to have to shut her dogs out of the room when I came over - but when visiting people who have excitable dogs, I will freeze in fear when they start jumping up at me. I don't know anyone with a big excitable dog, so I don't know what I would do with a huge dog jumping at me - but I am visiting family for Christmas, and they've just got an Alsatian. I am ever so slightly terrified.
3. I am an incredibly fussy eater, and I drive myself mad, because I get bored of eating the same things. I don't like pasta, rice, most vegetables, sauces, herbs or spices. Food has to be plain. I normally eat meat with potatoes in someway, shape or form. When it comes to going out to eat, I always feel bad for making things difficult, because I can't go out for a Chinese or an Indian. I am a nightmare.
4. I hardly ever wear make-up. If there is a celebration - a party, a wedding, a celebratory meal - which involves getting dressed up, the make-up will come out, but otherwise, I don't really bother. I don't have the inclination. I'm not the kind of person who uses make-up as a form of self-expression, nor do I have a specific look that make-up is a part of, and I'm pretty happy with my face as it is.
5. In my late teens, I went through what my mum likes to call my "goth phase". I never thought of myself as a goth, and never wore gothic make-up, but I did own a lot of black clothing that featured skulls and roses, a mini-kilt and a pair of jeans that came with splits held together by giant safety pins. I also wore chokers, a razor blade bracelet, a coffin necklace, and earrings with lightning bolts going through skulls - all of which I still have. And I dyed my hair black.
6. I doubt I will ever dye my hair completely again. Not only do I love being ginger, but having ginger roots is a terrible, terrible look. Never again.
7. I love fish. I think they're beautiful, and so calming. I will have a fish tank full of fish one day, like my uncle used to. He actually "gave" me a fish when I was young; he bought three Goldfish to feed to his Oscar fish, and said he could keep one for me if I wanted. I named it Goldie, and he kept it in his other fish tank. Although I didn't see it often, I loved that fish, and when it died when I was around 8, it broke my heart. We buried it in my grandma's back garden, where all the family pets were buried (they had a lot of pets over the years).
8. My first ever crush was on either Joey from Blossom or Stephen Gately from Boyzone. I can't remember who exactly I fancied first, but I thought both were gorgeous.
9. I'm knock-kneed. For a lot of my younger years, I thought I was double-jointed because I could sit in certain positions other people couldn't, and I could twist my leg around. But it turns out I'm just knock-kneed - instead of my knees being in the middle of my legs, they're more towards the inside of my legs, facing each other, almost - close enough that they do sometimes knock as I walk. People laugh when I run, because instead of my legs going straight behind me, my right leg will go behind me to the right and my left leg behind me to the left.
10. I have a very odd laugh. It has been described as sounding like a seagull, a witch and a crow. And my sense of humour is such that I find stupid things really funny, so there are occasions where once I start, I just can't stop laughing. It can last for minutes, with tears streaming down my face - once you, and I, think I'm done, another wave hits me. I've been told it can be quite annoying.
11. I do not buy designer clothes. Mainly, it's because I tend not to like them, but I also will not spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes. On principle. I just won't. They don't need to cost so much, I don't care what name they have on them. It's just ridiculous.
12. I love a good tragic story, whether it's a book, a movie, or a play. I love the Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid, where she kills herself in the end, and in Les Misérables, I'm most interested in Eponine's storyline. If it's something tragic, sad, and will really make me cry, I'll lap it up.
13. You know how when you were at school, and everyone talked about their big dreams of what they wanted to be when they were older? A doctor, an actor, a forensic pathologist, a teacher? For as far back as I can remember, my biggest dream was, and is, to be a mum. To have my own family to care for, look after, and cherish.
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So that's me! I'll probably write similar posts in the future sharing more. Anything you want to ask more about or comment on? Care to share about some random facts about you? Let me know in the comments!
1. My favourite film is The Notebook. Part of me finds this really annoying, because it makes me feel like a cliché, but it's so beautiful. When I first saw it, I really hoped it was based on a true story. I cry every time I see it.
2. I've been scared of dogs ever since my aunt's Alsatian clawed me when I was two. I'm nowhere near as bad as I used to be - as a child, I would start crying whenever I passed a dog on the street, and another aunt used to have to shut her dogs out of the room when I came over - but when visiting people who have excitable dogs, I will freeze in fear when they start jumping up at me. I don't know anyone with a big excitable dog, so I don't know what I would do with a huge dog jumping at me - but I am visiting family for Christmas, and they've just got an Alsatian. I am ever so slightly terrified.
3. I am an incredibly fussy eater, and I drive myself mad, because I get bored of eating the same things. I don't like pasta, rice, most vegetables, sauces, herbs or spices. Food has to be plain. I normally eat meat with potatoes in someway, shape or form. When it comes to going out to eat, I always feel bad for making things difficult, because I can't go out for a Chinese or an Indian. I am a nightmare.
4. I hardly ever wear make-up. If there is a celebration - a party, a wedding, a celebratory meal - which involves getting dressed up, the make-up will come out, but otherwise, I don't really bother. I don't have the inclination. I'm not the kind of person who uses make-up as a form of self-expression, nor do I have a specific look that make-up is a part of, and I'm pretty happy with my face as it is.
5. In my late teens, I went through what my mum likes to call my "goth phase". I never thought of myself as a goth, and never wore gothic make-up, but I did own a lot of black clothing that featured skulls and roses, a mini-kilt and a pair of jeans that came with splits held together by giant safety pins. I also wore chokers, a razor blade bracelet, a coffin necklace, and earrings with lightning bolts going through skulls - all of which I still have. And I dyed my hair black.
6. I doubt I will ever dye my hair completely again. Not only do I love being ginger, but having ginger roots is a terrible, terrible look. Never again.
7. I love fish. I think they're beautiful, and so calming. I will have a fish tank full of fish one day, like my uncle used to. He actually "gave" me a fish when I was young; he bought three Goldfish to feed to his Oscar fish, and said he could keep one for me if I wanted. I named it Goldie, and he kept it in his other fish tank. Although I didn't see it often, I loved that fish, and when it died when I was around 8, it broke my heart. We buried it in my grandma's back garden, where all the family pets were buried (they had a lot of pets over the years).
8. My first ever crush was on either Joey from Blossom or Stephen Gately from Boyzone. I can't remember who exactly I fancied first, but I thought both were gorgeous.
9. I'm knock-kneed. For a lot of my younger years, I thought I was double-jointed because I could sit in certain positions other people couldn't, and I could twist my leg around. But it turns out I'm just knock-kneed - instead of my knees being in the middle of my legs, they're more towards the inside of my legs, facing each other, almost - close enough that they do sometimes knock as I walk. People laugh when I run, because instead of my legs going straight behind me, my right leg will go behind me to the right and my left leg behind me to the left.
10. I have a very odd laugh. It has been described as sounding like a seagull, a witch and a crow. And my sense of humour is such that I find stupid things really funny, so there are occasions where once I start, I just can't stop laughing. It can last for minutes, with tears streaming down my face - once you, and I, think I'm done, another wave hits me. I've been told it can be quite annoying.
11. I do not buy designer clothes. Mainly, it's because I tend not to like them, but I also will not spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes. On principle. I just won't. They don't need to cost so much, I don't care what name they have on them. It's just ridiculous.
12. I love a good tragic story, whether it's a book, a movie, or a play. I love the Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid, where she kills herself in the end, and in Les Misérables, I'm most interested in Eponine's storyline. If it's something tragic, sad, and will really make me cry, I'll lap it up.
13. You know how when you were at school, and everyone talked about their big dreams of what they wanted to be when they were older? A doctor, an actor, a forensic pathologist, a teacher? For as far back as I can remember, my biggest dream was, and is, to be a mum. To have my own family to care for, look after, and cherish.

So that's me! I'll probably write similar posts in the future sharing more. Anything you want to ask more about or comment on? Care to share about some random facts about you? Let me know in the comments!
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