Sunday, 2 September 2018


Six for Sunday: Authors Whose Books I'll Always Read

Six for Sunday

Six For Sunday is a weekly feature run by Steph of A Little But a Lot. You can read all the Six for Sunday prompts for the rest of 2018 here.

This week's topic doesn't really work for me, so, as we're allowed, I'm going to use a previous topic - authors whose books I'll always read.

Heidi Heilig

The Girl from Everywhere by Heidi Heilig For a Muse of Fire by Heidi Heilig

Heidi Heilig knows how to write fast-paced action that has you sitting on the edge of your seat, gorgeous romantic scenes that have you swooning, intricate world building that is just incredible and fascinating, and characters you can't help but love. And all of this is wrapped up in a pretty bow of beautiful, beautiful writing. If Heidi Heilig writes a book, there's no way I won't be reading it. For a Muse of Fire is absolutely incredible, and I implore everyone to pre-order it! It comes out on 25th September, and it is epic! Buy this book!

Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Laini Taylor's books are just pure works of art. Just the thought of them makes me so happy, because reading them was such an incredibly enjoyable experience. Her writing is just so, so beautiful! And the actio! The romance! The world building! The characters! Along with Heidi Heilig, Laini Taylor is my joint top favourite author, and I absolutely cannot wait for Muse of Nightmares, which comes out on 2nd October! I've not yet read everything Taylor has written, I've not read her middle grade books, but I probably will do, because Talylor's writing is not something that can be passed up.

Robin Hobb

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb Ship of Magic by Robin Hovv

Fool's Errand by Robin Hobb The Dragon Keeper by Robin Hobb Fool's Assassin by Robin Hobb

Robin Hobb! This lady has brought me so much joy throughout most of my life with her incredible high fantasy series, all set in The Realm of the Elderlings. All 16 books set in this world, featuring characters I adore - especially Fitz and the Fool - are books I will always treasure. I grew up alongside Fitz, even if he aged quicker than I did. I'm so incredibly sad that we've now seen the end to this world. However, I have yet to read everything she's written. I did try Shaman's Crossing, the first book in her The Soldier Son trilogy, but I just couldn't get on with it then. But I still have it and I will read it at some point. Plus, Hobb also writes under the name of Megan Lindholm, so I have all her books under that name to read, too! So I still have a lot to read and enjoy, even if there will be no more Fitz and the Fool.

Lydia Ruffles

Taste of Blue Light by Lydia Ruffles Colour Me In by Lydia Ruffles

Lydia Ruffles writes unbelievably beautiful stories that deal with being human; experiencing trauma, grief, life, and how those things can affect us mentally. The Taste of Blue Light is astounding, and such an incredible book. Colour Me In is a gorgeous, achingly sad story. And Ruffles has just such an incredible way with words! Reading her writing is just pure joy.

Anna-Marie McLemore

The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore When the Moon Was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore

Anna-Marie McLemore writes stunningly beautiful magical realism stories that I absolutely cannot get enough of. They're a little strange, very queer, and always gorgeous. They feel like fairy tales, and and they enchant me every time. I am always captivated by how McLemore waves her words. I have yet to read Wild Beauty, but I have it and I'm dying to read it, and cannot wait for Blanca & Roja, which is being published on 9th October. I am dying to read this Swan Lake/Snow White and Rose Red retelling. I cannot wait.

Maria Turtschaninoff

Maresi by Maria Turtschaninoff Naondel by Maria Turtschaninoff

Maria Turtschaninoff is a Finnish author whose books are absolutely incredible. Feminists high fantasies, they are not easy reads because of the exceptionally horrific experiences of the characters, especially in Naondel. But they are completely captivating, and they make me angry, and they are just completely unputdownable. I adore these books, and I am so excited to read the third book in the series, whenever it is released, and anything else Turtschaninoff writes in the future.

How about you? Which authors will you always read? If you've taken part in Six for Sunday this week, do leave a link to your post in the comments!

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  1. I read Wild Beauty last year, and fell in love with McLemore's beautiful writing. I hope to read more of her work soon.

    1. Aah, her writing is just gorgeous! I highly recommend her two previous novels, The Weight of Feathers and When the Moon was ours! They're just so awesome!
