Thursday, 17 December 2015

Bookish Spinsters is Being Postponed

Bookish Spinsters

This is an announcement to say that Bookish Spinsters is going to on break until the New Year. I've had some really bad news recently, and unfortunately, I'm just not able to put the passion and thought into these posts that not only I would like but I feel is required for this link-up. I'm hoping those who read the posts will bear with me as I get myself together, and will come back to reading my Bookish Spinsters posts in the New Year.

Thanks for understanding.


  1. Omg, *sends you hugs and encouragement* I'm so so sorry, Jo. That is all really tough and terrible and, gah, I have never experienced so much loss like this but...just...omg, hugs and I hope you're doing okay.

    1. Thank you, Cait, I really appreciate it :) You're super lovely :)
