I have a lot of thank yous to make. Thank you to all the people who got involved with Sex in Teen Lit Month II (names and links are at the bottom of this post); the bloggers who wrote really insightful guest posts, and the authors who took the time to either answer my questions or write guest posts, giving the topic the seriousness it deserves and such thought-provoking answers.
I also want to thank the authors who wrote the books I read for this event, those I didn't get to, and those that authors are continuing to write and will release in the future. This really is a topic that I feel is really important, and I will keep reading these books and highlighting how wonderful they are.
Also, I want to thank those who are writing and publishing books on sex crimes. There have been a few that have come out over the past six years, but it's a topic that seems to be in the spotlight quite a bit right now in the publishing world, what with three books published on rape and rape culture in the last year. Thank you for continuing to highlight this serious topic, and raising your voices in an effort to make a change. You're all completely wonderful, and I'm in such awe of you.
Thank you to everyone who read the posts for the event, commented on them, re/tweeted them, and discussed them with me on Twitter. Getting a conversation on the subject was one of my aims of the event - the other being to bring these fantastic books to your attention. To new readers and followers who have started reading Once Upon a Bookcase because of Sex in Teen Lit Month II, I hope you stick around for my future posts.
I don't know when I'll be doing another blog event, but I'm going to have a break for a while and not even think about it. Get back to reading whatever books I want whenever I want to. But Sex in Teen Lit Month II has been really awesome and a lot of fun! Thank you for joining me during this event.
Tom Ellen & Lucy Ivison / Non Pratt / Judith Tewes / Lauren James / Jenn Bennett / Hayley Sprout / Donna Freitas / Carrie Mesrobian / Daria Snadowsky / Alice Nuttall / Kirsty Eagar / Tammara Webber / Courtney Summers / Louise O'Neill / Robin York
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