Friday 11 September 2015

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Booktubing Isn't For Me, But Could that Be My Downfall?

Over the six years that I've been blogging, I've seen things evolve. New bloggers, new features, new ways of blogging.

As vlogging in general has become more popular, the way readers communicate our reviews to potential readers has moved forward into booktubing. As booktubing has progressed, it's been wonderful to see this new way of getting our thoughts about books across to people, and reaching a wider audience.

There are so many bloggers I know who have started to incorporate videos into their blogs, or have created group booktube channels, like Bookish Brits, and it's got me thinking about where things will lead. At the moment, booktubers and book bloggers exist in harmony. Booktubers have become so popular that publishers' publicity campaigns also include ways of getting booktubers involved as well as bloggers, which is fantastic - we share the same passion, and we should share in the wonderful perks that publicists give us.

But at the same time, it has me worrying about my place in this community. I have experimented with creating videos before, but I discovered it's just not for me. I am a much better writer than I am a speaker, there's something about writing that has me expressing myself much more coherently and eloquently than I do verbally. On top of that, I'm just not interested in the process of creating a video; the preparation before hand, the filming of the video, and the editing afterwards. I have no idea where to start, and I'm not particularly interested in finding out.

At the same time, I'm not a big fan of booktubing. I have a lot of admiration and respect for booktubers and their creativity and skills in making their videos, but I'm generally not that interested in watching said videos. There are a few that may catch my eye due to subject matter, but otherwise... I find reading similar content much more to my liking than watching it. I can read a post in a couple of minutes, I'd rather not watch a 10 minute video. And really, they just don't appeal to me on the whole. This is just me, though, and I know I'm in the minority when it comes to not liking vlogs, which is obvious from their popularity.

But will booktubing over take book blogging? Will booktubing become so popular that book blogging will begin to fade into the background, with fewer and fewer bloggers. Despite knowing that booktubing isn't for me, I do have this fear that if I don't transition over or at least incorporate videos into my blog, I'll get left behind. I have an uneasy feeling that book blogging might become "so last year", and there will no longer really be a place for me. Don't get me wrong, I'll keep doing what I'm doing, and won't give in to the pressure I'm putting on myself to be a part of this big, shiny new thing when it's not my bag, but I'm worried about becoming an unheard voice, or a voice that no longer matters - not because what I say will no longer have any relevance, but because I didn't "move with the times", that Once Upon a Bookcase becomes "outdated".

It's time for you to have your say. What do you think of booktubing in general? Have you ever considered booktubing? Are you a blogger turned booktuber, or do you incorporate videos into your blog, and which do you prefer? Are you a booktuber who has never been a blogger, and if so, what turned you on to booktubing over blogging? Do you think book bloggers and tubers will continue to exist happily alongside each other? Or do you also worry that booktubing might eventually push blogging into the background? Do you ever worry that you will eventually become an unheard voice for other reasons? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Ohh, I didn't even KNOW book tubing was taking over blogging?!?? I don't book tube and I have exactly 0% interest in doing it. I have no problems with it and i'm in awe of people who can be funny and entertaining and excited about books on camera. But me? NADA. I stammer when I talk. >_< And I'm like a shy as a turtle and gah, nope, I will never be a booktuber (although I do love editing videos.XD) And tbh I don't even watch a lot of booktube things. I would rather read a post than a 15 minute vlog. I feel like book blogging is more of a conversation? But that could be just me.

    1. I don't know if it is, it just feels that way to me! Lol. But I totally agree with you! Zero interest in booktubing, and I rarely watch booktubers. It just isn't for me. And yes, the conversation aspect works for me! I so prefer writing and reading posts.

      I would never have guessed you were shy. You don't come across as shy in your posts! I stammer too, occassionally. Especially when I'm nervous. So I would be stammering all over the place in a video, so right with you there. :)

  2. I tried out recording myself for booktube, but I have to admit it's just not something I like all that much. I think vlogging and being a booktuber will become a lot more popular, and I think a lot of bloggers are using it to up their readership, but I wouldn't do that myself. I do however think it'll go out of fashion at some point, so I wouldn't say it's going to be a problem for you if you're blogging in the next year or two! Great post Jo :)

    1. Oh, I might try and cling to your hope, not so much that booktubing will go out of fashion, but that it wouldn't be a problem! That would be really awesome! Lol. But yeah, it just doesn't work for me. I agree that with vlogging becoming so popular, it does seem others are jumping on the bandwagon to get more readers/viewers, and that's part of the reason I thought about it... but I just wouldn't enjoy it at all. It's just not me.

  3. I have tried recording book reviews and hauls but I feel like a goober and the lighting is always horrible and I just don't like it. I DO watch videos by Booktubers but only hauls, re-caps, and TBR piles - the reviews I would rather read. I really hope it isn't taking over bc I would hate that, I also think it says a lot about our culture though that we would rather watch than read and as a book lover I am perfectly fine with reading :)

    1. YES! I love that last point you made about rather watching than reading! That is so true! But I too would much rather read. I can understanding enjoy book hauls, etc, because of getting to see the great books, but I tend to find those videos kind of boring, it just feels repetitive to me.

  4. I totally agree with you, I definitely sound better as a writer then I would as a speaker, and also I'm so awkward on videos, and lighting and just GAH, it's not for me.

    1. Right! I'm so with you there. Awkwardness is just so unnecessary when you're already good at writing, haha! :) Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I love doing both. I find it is much easier to put my word into a written form, but if i am really excited about something, only my words (with inflection) will do. I don't think either is taking over. It is interesting to note that some BIG booktubers were featured guests at BEA. If you watch their videos, it seems being obnoxious is what gets you popular. I will never stoop to that, on purpose I mean (i am a bit obnoxious if i really think about it). Sorry rabbit trail.

    1. I can understand what you mean about inflection, but I tend to use italics and exclamation marks and caps for those kind of things. I think passion can come through in writing just as well, but that's just me.

      Being from the UK, I didn't know booktubers were featured guests at BEA. Are big book bloggers ever featured guests? Does that happen? That seems only fair. And obnoxious just isn't going to work for me. There's just no need for it, and to behave like that simply to get books. Meh. I'm glad you're not obnoxious! :) It just seems to be a crappy move to me.

  6. I'm not all that interested in watching booktube videos - mostly because I just feel like they take too long to watch, but I have seen a few here and there that caught my eye and they were fun. But, I doubt I'll ever start booktubing - just doesn't seem like me. Then again, if you'd asked me five years ago if I'd have a book blog, I would have looked at you like you were crazy, so who knows!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. That's true. We might all change our minds. But I really can't see it happening for me. I hate being on video, lol. I don't like my voice, haha! And yes, videos are too long! I can read faster than others talk!
