Wednesday, 17 June 2015


Find Me Tag: Book Photography

Find Me Tag

What with signing up to Instagram recently and seeing all the awesome #bookstagram photos, I've been really into taking photos of books lately. I'm still pretty much an amateur, but I'm enjoying it. So when Cait at Paperfury took part in the Find Me Tag, and invited anyone to join in, even if they weren't tagged, I decided to take part.

1. Find a book in the 10 categories listed below, take a photo or post the cover.
2. Tag the next victims
3. Link back to Christy at Novel Ink!

A Book With a Sunset

Curse the Dawn by Karen Chance

I couldn't find a book with a sunset, unfortunately, so I cheated. Curse the Dawn by Karen Chance features a dawn, so the opposite of a sunset. Though, if we're being honest, it's probably just some clouds whose colour has been photoshopped to look like dawn. But it's supposed to be dawn. So I'm going to count it for this as it's opposite.

This is several books in to the Cassie Palmer series by Karen Chance, an adult urban fantasy series that is just amazing! So fast paced and action packed! I actually need to buy the next book in this series.

A Book With Water

Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar

Check out that ocean, and those waves! That's a whole lot of water on Raw Blue by Kirsty Eagar. This is such an awesome book, my review of which will be posted as part of Sex in Teen Lit II Month.

A Book With a Flower

Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr

Check out that beauty! Purple, pink and gold! It's pretty, but a little ostentatious. It's wow at first, but then becomes a bit sickly. Darkest Mercy by Melissa Marr is the final book in the Wicked Lovely series, though I'm still three books behind.

A Book With a Heart

The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich

I went for something a bit different! Not a fluffly cover! The Dead House by Dawn Kurtagich sounds seriously creepy, but exciting! I don't really do horror, but this sounds too good to miss!

A Book With a Gone in the Title

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson

I had to go with Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson, like Cait did, because I simply couldn't find another book with Gone in the title. Sorry! I'm yet to read this yet, but I enjoyed Matson's previous books, so I'm looking forward to it!

A Girl in a White Dress

Rapture by Lauren Kate

This might be a little obvious, but I couldn't find another quickly. I'm sorry! Rapture by Lauren Kate wasn't my favourite of the series, it seemed too easy to me. But I'm hopeful for Unforgiven!

A Couple Kissing

Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

This has got to be the most bold, fantastic, awesome LGBTQ YA cover going! I love it! Two Boys Kissing isn't my favourite of David Levithan's novels, but I still feelit's a really important one! Read it, goooo!

A Book With Headphones

Tape by Steven Camden

I couldn't find a book with headphones on! I did think of Playlist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff, and went looking for it until I remembered I borrowed it, but didn't own it. So Tape by Steven Camden has to do. This is the proof cover rather than the actual cover, but that also has a tape on, which you can see if you click on the link. I've not read this yet, but it sounds really intriguing.

A Book With a Moon

One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

You can see the moon so much clearer on the actual cover, it has all the details that show up when the light hits it in the right way. But the moon is still there! One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost is the first book in The Night Huntress series, an adult urban fantasy series and it's awesome! The series is over now which is so sad for me, but great for new readers - no having to wait for new books!

A Book With a Weapon

Death's Mistress by Karen Chance

Look at that smoking gun! Whoop! Death's Mistress by Karen Chance is part of the Dorina Basarab series, a companion series to the Cassie Palmer series. It's also extremely fast paced and action packed. I do love Chance's books!

And I tag Michelle @ Fluttering Butterflies, Stacey @ The Pretty Books, Jim @ YA Yeah Yeah, Cynthia @ Afterwritten & Sophie @ So Many Books, So Little Time.

If any of you don't want to take part, fine. If anyone wants to do the tag who isn't tagged, feel free!

Have you read any of these books? What did you think?


  1. YAY I'M SO GLAD YOU DID THIS, TOO!! I'm becoming more and more addicted to photography even though I'm just an amateur who takes so many weird shots sometimes. xD haaha. But it's addictive right?! LOVE. Omg, but I'm completely in love with that Darkest Mercy cover. So. much. awesome. I could hug it, I COULD. Also I feel like the headphone one was quite hard?! I've only ever heard of one book with headphones. >_<

    AHHH BUT YOU MOST READ SINCE YOU'VE BEEN GONE ASAP. It's so adorable. I haven't read any of her other books though. How many does she have?? omg, I need to get busy. xD

    1. Amateur my backside! Your photos are beautiful, Cait! And you do so much more with your intagram than just post photos! You create conversation! I need to learn from you! Lol.

      Headphones... ugh, difficult. I only know This Song Could Save Your Life, which I've never read, and Playlist for the Dead, which, as I said, I borrowed. :/

      Really? I started Since You've Been Gone a while back, but it wasn't really working for me. Matson has written two other books, Amy & Roger's Epic Detour and Second Chance Summer, both of which I LOVED! Maybe I'll try picking it up again soon! :)
