Sunday 23 March 2014


Fifth Bloggerversary: Your Feedback

Today is the last post for my fifth bloggerversary! It's been a great week looking back over the cool things about Once Upon a Bookcase from the past five years! Now, I'd like to look to the future, with some help from you looking back. It would be really awesome if you could tell me what you love about OUaB, and what you don't love as much - I've talked about what I love, so now it's your turn.

As I said at the beginning of the week, I blog for myself, so what I do on here is what I enjoy. There may be some changes depending on your feedback, but I'm not going to start doing something I really don't want to do, or give up something I really love. It's just to see what works for you as my readers, so I know whether I'm doing well in your opinion.

If there are any authors or publicists/publishing people reading, it would be awesome to hear what you think about OUaB too, as a blog to work with. Cheers!

Thank you so much for celebrating with me this week! Thank you to my readers, thank you to the publicists for the books they send and the content they arrange, and for just being awesome, thank you to the authors for writing brilliant books, and thank you to the friends I've made along the way!

Here's to another five years, hopefully! :)


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