Sunday, 3 March 2013

First Class Post (41)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

As I've been on hiatus, I've been sent a number of books over the past few weeks.

11/02 - 16/02:

First Class Post

For review:

Pretty Girl Thirteen by Liz Coley - Goodreads / Amazon
Exciting, creepy thriller. I'm really intrigued and looking forward to giving this a go. This is a 2013 YA Debut.

Pantomime by Laura Lam - Goodreads / Amazon
This is more of a gift than a review copy. I have already posted a "mini" review of Pantomime, but my full review will be released later this year. I've been sent a finished copy by the publishers because they're awesome! This was an amazing story, you really should go get yourself a copy if you haven't already.

The Queen is Dead by Kate Locke - Goodreads / Amazon
I loved the first book in the series, so I'm super excited to now have the second book! Really looking forward to reading it.

Shards and Ashes edited by Melissa Marr and Kelley Armstrong - Goodreads / Amazon
I am so looking forward to reading this! Some great authors, and I'm sure some fantastic stories!

Unsolicited review copies:

Neferet's Curse by P.C. and Kristin Cast - Goodreads / Amazon
Etiquette and Espionage by Gail Carriger - Goodreads / Amazon
Fade to Black by Francis Knight - Goodreads / Amazon
The Coldest War by Ian Tregillis - Goodreads / Amazon
The Gathering of the Lost by Helen Lowe - Goodreads / Amazon


The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger - Goodreads / Amazon
Ever since reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky, I have wanted to try more modern classics. Plus this is supposed to be awesome! Looking forward to it.

Thank you to HarperCollins, Strange Chemistry, Atom and Orbit for the review copies.

18/02 - 23/02:

First Class Post

For review:

Between the Lines by Tammara Webber - Goodreads / Amazon
I have already been sent a copy of Between the Lines which I've read, loved, and reviewed here.

Barely Breathing by Rebecca Donovan - Goodreads / Amazon
I wasn't the biggest fan of Reason to Breathe, but after reading a few reviews, Barely Breathing sounds like it might be better. I hope so!

Love Story by Erich Segal - Goodreads / Amazon
This sounds like such a lovely, sad story! Originally published in 1970, it feels a little New Adult-y. And I have discovered I've actually seen the stage production of this story - I didn't realise they were the same thing. Looking forward to reading it!

One Seriously Messed-Up Weekend In the Otherwise Un-Messed-Up Life of Jack Samsonite by Tom Clempson - Goodreads / Amazon
EEEE! I absolutely loved the first book in the series, so I am SO excited to have been sent the second! And it came straight from Tom Clempson, a complete surprise! And this is what I saw inside:

One Seriously Messed-Up Weekend In the Otherwise Un-Messed-Up Life of Jack Samsonite by Tom Clempson

Page 337 (see from line 8):
One Seriously Messed-Up Weekend In the Otherwise Un-Messed-Up Life of Jack Samsonite by Tom Clempson

You heard it here first, I am a book-wielding ninja general! Booya! Haha! Oh, I was SO surprised and SO happy to read this! I am OVER the moon! :D Thank you, Tom!


Chicken Soup for the Soul by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen - Goodreads / Amazon
I've heard about this book so many times, as it was free, I thought I'd give it a go. Not sure when I'll read it, not sure if I'll even like it, but we'll see.

Thank you to Penguin, Hodder & Stoughton, and Tom Clempson, for the review copies.

First Class Post


Grl2grl by Julie Anne Peters - Goodreads / Amazon
I will be interviewing Julie Anne Peters for LGBTQ YA Month, so I bought this short story collection as it tells a number of different LGBTQ stories, with characters experiencing different things. I'm really looking forward to reading it!

Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block - Goodreads / Amazon
Another read for LGBTQ YA Month. I had an omnibus of this series back when I was at uni, had to read one of the later stories in it, and I gave up. Wasn't too impressed. Hoping now, starting from the beginning, I'll enjoy it.


  1. Oh, I really want to read Etiquette and Espionage and Shards & Ashes and I've herad endlessly good things about Pantomime. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks :) Won't be reading Etiquette and Espionage, not my kind of book. SO looking forward to Shards & Ashes, though! Looks so good! And Pantomime is amazing!

  2. Some great books there - i didn't realise Shards and Ashes was out yet! :-)

    1. Yeah, I'm looking forward to reading them! Shards and Ashes was released on 19th Feb :) Looks so good!

  3. Congrats on the acknowledgement! These all look like great reads.

    1. Thank you1 :) I'm really looking forward to reading them! :)

  4. Love the inscription you got ;) Great haul!

    1. Thanks! I was so excited to see it! :D
