Sunday, 6 January 2013

First Class Post (35)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

First Class Post


Wicked by Gregory Maguire - Goodreads / Amazon
I already have this, but it's a much bigger and battered version. So I was happy to be able to nab a smaller, nicer copy!

Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate - Goodreads / Amazon
I have been quoted in the paperback release! Eee! Pretty happy! You can see my quote here, at the bottom.


Dead Romantic by C.J. Skuse - Goodreads / Amazon
This book sounds awesome! I think it'll be pretty funny, but maybe kind of sad too? I'm assuming, but either way, I'm really looking forward to looking forward to reading it!

Speechless by Hannah Harrington - Goodreads / Speechless
I LOVED Saving June, and have heard such brilliant things about this book, so I'm so excited! I think I'll probably be reading it pretty soon!

Thank you to Chicken House and Mira Ink for the review copies.


  1. I can't wait to read Dead Romantic and Speechless.

    1. They both sound awesome, don't they?! So looking forward to them!

  2. Dead Romantic sounds so exciting! And yay for Speechless - I got a copy too and I absolutely loved Saving June!

    1. SO looking forward to Speechless! Saving June was amazing, and I've heard such wonderful things about Speechless! :D Dead Romantic looks lots of fun :)

  3. I have seen Dead Romantic around on other blogs, I love the sound of it. I really enjoyed Speechless.

    My haul

    1. It does look good, doesn't it? :) So looking forward to Speechless!

  4. I STILL HAVE TO READ SPEECHLESS. I feel as if I've betrayed Harrington in some way by not hurrying onto this one SINCE I'VE HAD IT FOR THREE MONTHS maybe more. Bad blogger.

    Also, in spite of my less than enthused reaction to Rockoholic, I'm still kind of hoping Dead Romantic will be amazebeans. Because if there's one thing I did enjoy it was the humor. :D

    1. I know what you mean, I most definitely want to get to Speechless soon. Saving June was far too good for me to let Harrington's second novel sit there unread for too long. It feels wrong.

      Yeah, I wans't the biggest fan of Pretty Bad Things, but Dead Romantic sounds quite cool! I'm looking forward to trying it!

    I love the US cover of this SO bad. I kind of seriously maybe want it for that reason alone.

    That, and I loved the book ;D

    Oh! And Wicked! VERY interested to see what you think of this one, Jo! xx

    1. Is this the US cover as well as the UK cover? I don't know which is which! Lol. Speechless does sound so amazing! Really looking forward to it! :)

      I LOVED the musical of Wicked, so I'm looking forward to the book! :)

  6. I just finished Dead Romantic, it was brilliant! Really enjoyed Fallen In Love too! Hope you enjoy these :)

    1. Thank you! Really looking forward to trying Dead Romantic, it does sound fun! :)
