Saturday, 29 September 2012

First Class Post (21)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

First Class Post

For review:

Mystic City by Theo Lawrence - Goodreads / Amazon
I love the sound of this book! Romeo and Juliet meets fantasy/sci fi meets dystopian! I can already tell it's going to be awesome! A 2012 YA debut.

My Side of the Story by Will Davis - Goodreads / Amazon
A backlist title sent to me to review for next year's LGBTQ YA Month - though technically, this is marketed as adult, even though the protag is 16. I'm considering it crossover for now. If I decide differently when I read it, I'll review it outside of the month, but I can't see that happening.

The Traitor Game by B.R. Collins - Goodreads / Amazon
Another backlist title for LGBTQ YA Month. It also sounds  SO GOOD! I love how the characters' fantasy world - the world they created - is actually affected by what happens in real life! I believe it will be like two stories. Looking forward to reading it!

The Lying Game by Sara Shepherd - Goodreads / Amazon
Hide and Seek by Sara Shepherd - Goodreads / Amazon
The Lying Game sounds awesome, so when I was offered the chance to review Hide and Seek and the first book too, I jumped at the chance. But I misunderstood and thought Hide and Seek was the second book, when it's the fourth. Sounds a little silly now. But still, at least I have it if I enjoy the first book! One less book to get afterwards.

Dance of Shadows by Yelena Black - Goodreads / Amazon
I like ballet when it comes to watching it. However, I'm not sure if I'll like the behind the scenes stuff, the learning and the training. It doesn't particularly appeal to me in book form. But the other side of this story sounds awesome! And - though incredibly freaky - I really enjoyed Black Swan! So I'm intrigued to see if I like this or not! Plus it has a gorgeous cover, and a 2013 YA debut.

Devil's Bargain by Rachel Caine - Goodreads / Amazon
It's Rachel Caine! I love Rachel Caine! And I've just realised this is one of her Red Letter Days books that was released in the US yeaaaars ago! Also, another cover with a photo by the very talented Josefine Jönsson - I love her photography and I love covers her photos are used for!

Dash and Lily's Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan - Goodreads / Amazon
EEEEE! I AM EXCITED! This book has been huge across the pond, and now I get to read it! I know it's going to be awesome, because Levithan is one of the writers, and as I've read two books for LGBTQ YA Month by him already, I know he's an awesome author! *dances* SO looking forward to reading this!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky - Goodreads / Amazon
I'm so happy to have this book for several reasons. 1. Republished with a lovely cover. 2. The movie is coming out on 3rd October, and I want to read it before I see it. 3. Will work perfectly for LGBTQ YA Month. 4. It's been banned - I need to read more banned books. 5. It's a modern classic - I need to read more modern classics. So, Jo is quite happy!


Spark by Brigid Kemmerer - Goodreads / Amazon
I won a pre-order of Spark the same time I won a copy of Storm during the Storm Aussie Blog Tour. I now have my copy! Whoop! I was fortunate enough to get an e-copy from NetGalley, so I've already reviewed Spark - you can read it here.

Thanks to Bloomsbury, RHCB, HarperCollins, Mira Ink and Simon and Schuster Children's Books for the review copies!


  1. Very, very curious about Mystic City- the cover is utterly gorgeous.

    Great haul this week!

    1. It does look good, I'm looking forward to reading it! And the cover is awesome! Thank you :)

  2. Some seriously amazing books this week! I'm so excited for Dash and Lily and Devil's Bargain and Perks is incredible. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks! So looking forward to reading all three of those books! Perks is next! :D

  3. OMNOMNOMNOMNOM. I received an ARC of Spark months ago but it sadly sat there during my blogging break. I recently received a finished copy and cannot wait to love it up <3 Great haul!

    All Hail The Mail!

    1. Thank you! Spark is AWESOME! You're going to love it! :D

  4. awesome books here Jo! I really hope you enjoy them all! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm looking forward to reading them! :)

  5. JOOOOOOOOOOO. Your mailbox. Look at it. It's BURSTING with the EPIC. Mystic City sounds AMAZING. I am really excited to read your review!! I'm not huuugely enticed by dance books, but the cover of Dance of Shadows looks so awesome and like you, the other aspects of the novel are intriguing. So I hope you enjoy it!

    EEE SPARK SPARK SPARK SPARK SPARK! *will still be muttering that word excitedly to self for next 30 minutes*

    Can't wait to read all your stunning reviews! I really ought to check Perks out aswell, because the movie looks pretty good!

    1. Thanks, Brodie! SO looking forward to Mystic City! It does sound awesome! And Dance of Shadows.. quite intrigued by it. Just hope the dance aspect doesn't end up being something I dislike. And YAY for Spark! :D AND PERKS! SO EXCITED FOR PERKS! I am a happy chappy!
