Sunday, 8 July 2012

First Class Post (9)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

first class post

first class post

For review:

The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer - Goodreads / Amazon
The fact that the author is Chris Colfer may automatically put you off or want to read it. Forget who the authors is; this actually sounds like a really good book. So Looking forward to reading this - makes me think of the US TV programme Once Upon a Time, sort of! Not photoed as it was damaged in the post :(

Partials by Dan Wells - Goodreads / Amazon
After reading several rave reviews of this book, I knew I had to try it! Really looking forward to reading it, it sounds amazing!

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff - Goodreads / Amazon
This was an unsolicited review copy. I have read some rave reviews about it, but I wasn't sure if it would be my thing. May give it a go now that I have a copy anyway.

City of Demons by Kevin Harkness - Goodreads
This is an eBook review copy! I am really looking forward to reading this one, it sounds so good!

Seraphina by Rachel Hartman - Goodreads / Amazon
I am super lucky and was sent a finished copy, even though I have a proof copy! This book sounds so good, I am so excited to read it!


The Night Circus by Erin Morgernstern - Goodreads / Amazon
I bought this because several pages from the back of the copy I had had come loose, so I needed to replace it - and Tesco were selling it cheaper than I had seen it anywhere else. Bargain! This is an amazing book, one of the best I've ever read! You can read my review here.

Witchblood by Emma Mills - Goodreads / Amazon
I say bought, but Witchblood is currently available for free on Amazon UK, so whoop! This actually sounds awesome! And it's a YA 2012 debut novel. So looking forward to reading it.


  1. Replies
    1. It does, I am so looking forward to reading it! Thank you!

  2. I need to read Witchblood - I won it a few weeks ago and still not got round to reading it yet! Great haul this week!

    1. Thank you! Witchblood sounds really good, I think it will be a fun read!

  3. Great haul! xD

    Shiny hardback copy of Stormdancer! *A*
    I got an ARC of it. The front part was a bit slow (a lot of stuff to take in and the author paints a vivid image of the world) but after awhile it get's really good! :)

    I'm looking forward to Seraphina, Partials and Night Circus as well! I'm waiting for my order of the first 2 to arrive.

    1. Thank you! Oooh, thanks for the tip about Stormdancer! I'll give it a go and see how I like it!

      Oh I am SO looking forward to Partials! Seraphina looks so good, and I LOVED The Night Circus! It's just amazing! Hope you enjoy your books when they arrive! :)


    Hi :)

    YOU GOT PARTIALS! AND STORMDANCER! WOO! I love those. Partials really surprised me, it was SO awesome and the type of book with more focus on plot, less on romance, that I hadn't realised I'd been craving.

    Super excited to see what you think of Seraphina, that sounds incredible! I'm a huge fan of Once Upon A Time and I've really been digging the fairytale stuff lately, so I'm really eager to see what The Land of Stories is like. Sorry your copy got damanged :(

    So many delicious books! HAVE FUN READING!


      Hi back! :D You do make me grin! :D

      It's because of your review of Partials, as well as Lisa's that I wanted to read it! It sounds amazing! I am so looking forward to reading it!

      Once Upon a Time is amazing, I love it! So I'm super excited to read The Land of Stories! It does sound soo good! And Seraphina looks to be a great read! Eee! :D

      Thank you, sweetie! :D

  5. I'm very excited to read Partials and The Night Circus!

    1. The Night Circus is absolutely amazing! I loved it! Partials looks SO good! I am super excited to read it! Can't wait! :D
