Saturday 2 June 2012

First Class Post (4)

first class post
First Class Post - because this post is first class!

first class post

For review:

Hades by Alexandra Adornetto - Goodreads / Amazon
A surprise review copy!I already have a copy of this, but this one is a much smaller copy physically, so maybe the paperback release? I really enjoyed the first book, so looking forward to this!

Dads, Geeks and Blue Haired Freaks by Ellie Phillips - Goodreads / Amazon
I'm so intrigued by this book! I know someone who knows the author, which is how I heard about it! I sounds like itll be a fun read, but with some seriousness thrown in. I'm looking forward to it!

Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt - Goodreads / Amazon
This is one of those books I hear about and think, "Why weren't you out when I did Body Image & Self-Perception Month?!" I am SO looking forward to reading Skin Deep! I love a book that covers subjects like this! I'm looking forward to being moved!

The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead - Goodreads / Amazon
I AM SO EXCITED!!! I loved the VA series, and I loved Bloodlines, and EEE, now the second book! Reading it now! Looooove!
Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer - Goodreads / Amazon
Another surprise! A big, pretty finished copy! I have a proof copy of this which I may read first instead, simply because this book really is quite heavy, but it will look awesome on my shelf! Looking forward to reading it!

Ishmael and the Return of the Dugongs by Michael Gerard Bauer - Goodreads / Amazon
Again, a surprise! I've not read the first book, but I think I'll have to get my hands on a copy, this one sounds quite funny!

Jessie Hearts NYC by Keris Stainton - Goodreads / Amazon
I loved Della Says: "OMG!", so I'm really looking forward to reading this one! :)

The Vampire of Highgate by Asa Bailey - Goodreads / Amazon
This book sounds so, so good! I'm  really excited to read it!

Neptune's Tears by Susan Waggoner - Goodreads / Amazon
A surprise, yet again! I am intrigued by this one. The blurb doesn't give too much away: she's a therapist, he's a time traveller with a secret. I don't immediately think I NEED TO READ THIS, but I am intrigued by how enthusiastic the letter that came with it was. I'm hopeful :) ARC.

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry - Goodreads / Amazon
This book sounds sooo good, yet hard hitting. Really, really looking forward to reading it! ARC, and 2012 YA debut.

Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram - Goodreads / (Not available from Amazon UK)
This book sounds, strangely, so funny! Despite all the murders. And I am in the mood for a good giggle! Really looking forward to reading Serial Hottie! EBook ARC.

Thank you to Atom, Electric Monkey, Razorbill UK, Hodder & Stoughton, Templar, Hachette Children's Books, Piccadilly Press, Mira Ink and Kelly Oram for the review copies!


  1. Skin Deep is amazing - you'll love it. And yay for The Golden Lily! I'm reading it at the moment and loving it.

    1. I'm sure I will, it sounds amazing! The Golden Lily is pretty good so far! I don't want to keep reading, it'll only end soon! :( Lol.

  2. Wow! Sooo jealous of your book haul! I hope you enjoy Skin Deep - I LOVED it and I haven't read any other book like it! I'm getting to review Between the Lines too soon and I am REALLY excited about reading it - I can't wait to see what you think of it :) Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. I'm really excited to read Skin Deep, it sounds fantastic! Between the Lines looks like fun! I'm looking forward to reading that too. :)

      I am having a great weekend, thank you! :) Hope you are too!

  3. You already got Golden Lily? I just order it today and waiting for it.
    I'm checking out Neptune Tears. Never heard of it :D
    Happy reading!

    My Newbies :)

    1. Thank you! Ah, my copy of The Golden Lily is a review copy, I didn't buy it. But it's so good so far! Neptune's Tears I'm quite intrigued by. Looking forward to cheking it out.

  4. Some great book! You'll love Skin Deep and I'm hoping you'll love Jessie <3's NYC too! :D

    1. Thank you! Skin Deep sounds amazing, and Della was such a good book, I'm sure I'll love Jessie! :D

  5. The minute I saw you post I was all... AHJDSLOFHSDNGJKVNCTHEGOLDENLILY *sucks in breaths and makes spluttering noises* until I remembered I was already aware of this fact haha. The shock and pain of seeing this book in a house other than mine will never wear off, clearly :P Well, UNTIL THE 12TH! EEEEEEEEEEE YOU'RE READING IT NOW? WHAT DO YOU THINK? ADRIAN? TELL ME?! FEEED MY NEEEEEEEEEEEEED!

    Ahem. *dignifies self*

    Oh. *reads the above comments* So maybe you already gave your thoughts :P

    Oooh you also have Pushing the Limits, me like the sound of that. Aswell as Skin Deep. I have a copy of Jessie hearts NYC, so if you love this, you can convince me to hurry up and read it :D

    1. Hahaha! Oh, Brodie, I do love you! :D

      I LOVE IT! Mostly. Lol. Adrian is just as awesome as ever! There were moments where I wished he was talking to me instead of certain others. And other moments when, oh, I just wanted to give the biggest hug all night, because :( BUT I WILL SAY NO MORE! You will have to read it!

      Haha, I'd given mini thoughts, but not as much as I just did. You get more; wouldn't want to be the cause of you completely losing it becauseof Adrian withdrawals :P

      Really looking forward to reading Pushing the Limits and Skin Deep, they both sound amazing! I really loved Keris Stainton's first novel, so I'm sure I'll enjoy Jessie too! :) Hopefully I'll convince you!

  6. *squeal* Pushing the Limits is crazy amazeballs. Like, I'm so in love with that story I nearly SPECIAL SHELFED IT. It's so heartfelt and real and sexy. LOOOVE. As well as The Golden Lily. I'm very pleased to say - and would happily shout out - that it rocks! The stakes get raised so high in this series, and I can't wait to see people's reaction :DD

    And, oh MAN, Between the Lines looks SO GOOD. How can I stand the wait? I can't believe how much I want to know about it, and how excited I am for reviews to crop up!

    1. Pushing the Limits does look amazing! It's great to hear from someone just howgood it is! The Golden Lily is amazing! I loved it! So awesome!

      Between the Lines does look really good! Looking forward to reading it! :)

  7. Ooooh, I was wondering what book four was! DADS, GEEKS! The spine looks *SO* cute!

    AMAZING pile, Jo! I think Pushing The Limits looks AMAZING! Happy reading!

    *studiously ignores TGL*

    Hmph :P

    1. Thank you! :)

      Book four? From the top or bottom?

      Dads, Geeks does sound really good! Looking forward to reading it! Pushing the Limits does sound amazing, I'm really looking forward to reading it!

      Haha, you'll have your hands on The Golden Lily soon enough! Have you read Bloodlines yet?
