Friday, 18 May 2012

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All Spell Breaks Loose Blog Tour: Lisa Shearin on the End of the Raine Benares Series

I am absolutely delighted to have Lisa Shearin, author of the Raine Benares series, visiting my blog today as part of the All Spell Breaks Loose Blog Tour! I am a HUGE fan of the series, and so sad to hear that it's now ending after six books! Lisa is here today to talk about how she feels about the end of her series.

Lisa ShearinThank you so much, Jo, for inviting me to guest post on Once Upon a Bookcase!

You had asked me how it felt now that I’ve come to the end of the Raine Benares series, and having to say goodbye to the characters and this particular storyline.

Writing the end of ALL SPELL BREAKS LOOSE was made a lot easier by the fact that the series isn’t really over, just the Saghred storyline. If I’d been truly ending the series, I’d have probably been blubbering like a baby. I absolutely
love these characters, I’ve been with them a long time, and I couldn’t bear the thought of never writing another book with them again.

That being said, I’ve always wanted to do multiple series. The Saghred storyline was all-consuming (hmm, kind of ironic that a series about a soul-sucking rock would consume my life). In reality, the six books of the Raine Benares series are one humongous book divided into six smaller books. The story arc begins with MAGIC LOST, TROUBLE FOUND and ends with ALL SPELL BREAKS LOOSE. So basically, for the past six years (actually a lot longer than that if you count the years I spent trying to get published) I’ve been writing ONE book. So while I adore Raine & Company, we need a little away time. ; )

My goal with ALL SPELL BREAKS LOOSE was to tie up the loose ends, leave others open, and make the story live up to the title—and I do believe I’ve done it. You all can tell me for sure after May 29.

all spell breaks loose by lisa shearinThere are so many possibilities for spin-off series: Raine & Mychael, Tam & Talon, Phaelan & whoever he’s pissed off lately. And the list goes on. So when I’m ready to jump back into Raine’s world, I’ll have plenty to choose from.

At the moment, I’m working on a proposal package for an urban fantasy/supernatural thriller/comedy series. You all know how I love to mix & match genres. I have the series premise written, as well as the synopses for the first three books, and I’m working on the final sample chapter now (for a total of six). I promise that as soon as I get a contract for it, I’ll tell you more—in fact, you probably won’t be able to shut me up. I’m so excited about this project—it’s just pure fun.

Jo, thank you again for having me on your blog! And best of luck to all of you in the ALL SPELL BREAKS LOOSE giveaway that Jo is hosting!

Thank you, Lisa, for such a great guest post! It's great to hear that we'll be having more novels set in this universe in the future! And I am excited to find out more about this urban fantasy/supernatural thriller/comedy series!

Be sure to check out Lisa's website, and All Spell Breaks Loose when it comes on on 29th May!

And yes, as Lisa said, there is a giveaway! Thank you to the lovely people at Penguin US, one lucky reader can win an eBook copy of All Spell Breaks Loose! Read on for all the details!



  1. Jo, thank you so much for inviting me! And best of luck to all of you entering the contest!


    1. Thank you for writing the guest post! I'm so looking forward to reading how it ends! :)

  2. *Squee* it's only 11 days away now...and smack dab in the middle of my finals (actually, the day before my transport phenomena exam -erk!) *sigh*. Still will probably end up reading it though...

  3. Thanks for the stellar interview w/ Lisa. Hate that this series is ending but the new ones sounds like it's going to be a good one!

    1. So glad you enjoyed Lisa's guest post! Yesss, I'm looking forward to seeing what Lisa brings us next! :)

  4. The only thing that's keeping me sane is that YOU will have more books...although I may have to start mentally bending you- PHAELAN really needs his own series.... Just sayin':)

    Marie Andreas
