Friday 13 January 2012

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Cover Reveal: Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver

Breaking News, people! The long awaited UK cover for Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver!

Pandemonium by Lauren OliverPandemonium by Lauren Oliver (released 1st March 2012) - Love, the deadliest of all deadly things.
It kills you when you have it.
And when you don't.

I'm pushing aside the memory of my nightmare,
pushing aside thoughts of Alex,
pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school,
like Raven taught me to do.
The old life is dead.
But the old Lena is dead too.
I buried her.
I left her beyond a fence,
behind a wall of smoke and flame.

Pandemonium is a poignant, explosive, recklessly romantic and utterly heartbreaking novel. Like Delirium, the first in the compelling trilogy, it will take you to the very edge. That's all you need to know. We'll let Lena do the rest of the talking...
From official blurb.

What do you think? I don't like it, myself. The colour is too close to orange, and I hate orange. And it just doesn't say much about the book, though I guess running is important to Lena in the book. I don't know, it just isn't my cup of tea. The words inside are brilliant though! How about you? Do you like it?


  1. I'm really not a fan. I like orange (though I prefer bright eye catching orange rather than this watered down yellow-orange), but the picture doesn't look like a dystopian novel. It looks like chick lit.

    And most irritatingly of all, it's entirely different to the original Delirium cover. I loved the large font with an image behind it that they used for the first UK release. I'm gutted that they've changed the series' design for a more generic, less eye-catching one.

    I hated the paperback Delirium release with the close-up of the young girl's face as well... the marketing team don't seem to have any idea where they're going with cover design, and there's no clear branding connecting the books.

  2. I know what you mean. I wasn't a huge fan of the hardback cover, either, I just didn't get it, but I liked the colour. I think the paperback of Delirium is maybe trying to tie in with the Before I Fall cover? And this is somehow trying to connect with that. I just don't get it really. BUT! The books are amazing! I've read Pandemonium already and it really is brilliant, hopefully people who don't like the cover will over look it for the contents.

    Also, we haven't seen it in the flesh, it might be better actually seeing it on the book.

  3. I have Delirium on my ereader to read. I'm not sure I like the cover, but I will definitely be trying to read Delirium before Pandemonium comes out.

  4. Both books are brilliant! I absolutely love both! Don't let the covers put you off at all! :)

  5. I agree with E Maree: I wish they'd set a look for the series and stick to it. It is a pretty cover, though.

  6. I'm not a massive fan. I agree that they should keep them similar, but I think they're trying to, kind of.
