Tuesday 30 March 2010

I Would Like to Thank the Academy...

I have been extremely lucky to be on the receiving end of a number of awards over the last few weeks, and so now I'm passing them on. I could have passed these awards on earlier, but things happen, and I like to have several in one post rather than several posts. So yes, here are the awards!

First up is the Beautiful Blogger Award, which I received from Lynsey at Narratively Speaking, Melissa of Spellbound by Books, and Paula of WWE Girl. Thank you, ladies! How gorgeous and cute is this award? I love it!

beautiful blogger award

I need to add that Melissa awarded me this award for Ink and Paper, but I'm only posting about this award once - because I haven't come across 30 new bloggers, and there aren't that many interesting/fun/amusing/etc thing about me. So just once.

The rules after you've received the award:

1. Thank and link to the person that gave you the award
2. Pass the award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic
3. Contact said blogs and let them know they’ve won
4. State 7 things about yourself

So first off, seven things about me:

1. When I went through my rock chick phase in my late teens, I dyed my hair black. I'm a red-head. You have no idea how awful the regrowth was.
2. Coincidentally, or not, my room is black. Black with metallic silver splatters (the splatters were so much fun, going crazy with a paint covered toothbrush!). I have black carpet, black curtains, and all my duvet covers are either black and white, black and grey/silver, or black, grey and white. My ceiling is white. My room is awesome!
3. I'm super skinny, and really self-concious about it. I'm not a fan of people bringing up my skinny-ness, whether or not they are being complimentary.
4. Today I bought the Twilight in Forks DVD, about the real Forks and the people who live there. Yeah, I know, but I couldn't resist.
5. I'm a little odd because I love my baby photos and home movies of me when I was a kid. I was the cutest little toddler, I don't know what happened ;)
6. I would love to try yoga or line dancing, or some sort of fun way to exercise at some point.
7. My current nickname from my Mum is "Twinkle" - because I'm a star for... doing whatever it is she wants me to do at the time she calls me Twinkle. It makes me smile.

I am going to pass this award on to:

1. Sarah of Sarah's Book Reviews
2. Ryan of Empire of Books
3. J'Adore
4. Caroline of Portrait of a Woman
5. Bobby of Once Upon a Book Blog
6. Rhys of Thirst for Fiction
7. Christina of Reading Extensively
8. Liz of Cleverly Inked
9. The Book Zone
10. Books À La Carte
11. Maria of Maria the Bookworm
12. Dwayne of Girls Without a Bookshelf
13. Leah of YA Corner
14. The Book Hour
15. Emily of Emily and Her Little Pink Slips

Next up is the Bliss (Happy 101) Award from Kathy at Ms. Martin Teaches Media and Christina of Reading Extensively. Thank you so much! This award is just too cute!

bliss (happy 101) award

The rules are that I must list 10 things that make me happy and then pass it on to 10 bloggers.

My ten happy things:
1. Daisies! Nothing says spring/summer is here like the arrival of daisies. Oh you should see my smile whenever I see a daisy. Such a beautiful flower (or weed, whichever you prefer).
2. Chocolate. Preferably Galaxy.
3. Hanging out with my family - preferably down the pub.
4. Random acts of kindness, whether my own or someone else's.
5. Music. I have a pop princess, a rock chick, and numerous other genre-related Jo's inside of me who love showing their faces whenever the right track is on. "Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time..."
6. The fact that Jackson Rathbone exists. See that face? Yeah, I know what you should be are thinking. Wow. Just wow.
7. Pictionary. Charades. Taboo. Various games that are just fun.
8. Holidays!
9. Dancing (even though it only happens when I'm drunk).
10. Riding on the back of a motorbike. They are just so cool!

I am going to pass this award on to:

1. Becky of The Bookette
2. Sophie of So Many Books, So Little Time
3. Sammee of I Want to Read That
4. Lauren of I Was a Teenage Book Geek
5. Jenny of Wondrous Reads
6. Carla of The Crooked Shelf
7. Sasha of The Sweet Bonjour
8. Misty of Book Rat
9. Sarah of Sarah's Book Reviews
10. Dwayne of Girls Without a Bookshelf

Thanks again to all the ladies who have awarded me! Make sure you all check out these fabulous blogs, they're amazing!


  1. Aw, thanks! I've never gotten this one before. :)

  2. You're both welcome, and thanks Jenny!

  3. Thanks Jo, and big congrats! I like your choices of happy things. Pictionary rocks!

  4. You're welcome, and thank you! Pictionary is awesome, I love it! I think I've only ever lost once :D

  5. Congratulations on your awards and thanks for the Happy 101:)

  6. Lea - Thank you!

    Sammee - Cheers, and no problem! :)

  7. congrats to all the recipients!

  8. Random acts of kindess make me happy too. Thanks for the award Jo! And congrats to you for getting so many.

  9. Thanks, Jo! I love chocolate tto. But, then again, who doesn't?

  10. Becky - No problem! Cheers! :)

    Sophie - My aunt, it gives her headaches, lol. :) Your're welcome!

  11. Congratulations on the awards! You SO deserve them....happy reading! ^_^

  12. Thank you! You're so lovely! :)

  13. Congrats on the awards...you do have a beautiful blog...well deserved!

  14. Wow a black coloured room! My parents like all the rooms in the house to be a matching color (therefore they're all light yellow). Thanks for the award!

  15. No problem! :) Oh wow, all yellow rooms. Does it not get a little much, sometimes? I think I'd get a headache. But yellow is a pretty nice colour. I think it might be worse if it was orange, lol.

  16. No problem! :) You're welcome.
