Monday, 2 November 2009

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Review: Wake by Lisa McMann

Wake by Lisa McMannWake by Lisa McMann (review copy) - For seventeen-year-old Janie, getting sucked into other people's dreams at any given moment is getting tired. Especially the falling dreams, and the standing-in-front-of-the-class-naked ones. But then there are the nightmares, the ones that chill her to the the one where she is in a strange a dirty kitchen...and a sinister monster that edges ever closer. This is the nightmare that she keeps falling into, the one where, for the first time, Janie is more than a witness to someone else's twisted psyche. She is a participant... From Amazon UK.

I LOVED Wake! It was so good! Really different from what I’m used to reading in urban fantasy. Such a great premise!

Wake is a very quick, very easy read. It’s not all that fast paced, but it’s not necessary for it to be, as things get interesting as soon as anyone goes to sleep nearby. There isn’t exactly a resolution in to the main story, but there is a resolution to a plot thread that doesn’t really have anything to do with Janie, but the effects will lead on to a big change for Janie in the second book Fade.

Wake is very much a first book; you find out about the main characters, learn about Janie’s dream issues, and go along with her as she discovers more about them. There’s also the set up of the almost separate plot thread, which leads to more happening for Janie.

Not a huge deal happens in this novel in the great scheme of things, a lot of emphasis is put on Janie trying to work out how and why she slips into other people’s dreams, and how she can control it, and her relationship with her love interest, Caleb, but that doesn’t mean the book isn’t interesting. There are a great set of characters, and as I said, the idea of slipping into other people’s dreams is just incredible!

If I was going to criticise the book at all, I would criticise Caleb-as-a-boyfriend. Generally, he’s fine, but when he’s expressing his feelings, it’s not completely believable in my opinion. I had no trouble over looking it though, because generally speaking, the book is amazing!

I highly recommend this book to everyone! Wake is just awesome, and Fade looks even better! A great start to what looks to be a fantastic series!

Thanks to Simon and Schuster for sending me a review copy.

Published: 29th Oct 2009 in UK, 2008 in US.
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Buy on Amazon UK
Buy on Amazon US
Lisa McMann’s Website

Other Reviews:
I Heart Monster
I Want To Read That


  1. I love the sound of this book. Great review - thank you!

  2. Cheers! It's an awesome book!

  3. great review. I have this on my to read list. I'll take it out from the library eventually :)

  4. My copy of this is somewhere in the UK postal system right now, and your review has completely made me even more impatient for it to arrive. Love the premise, love the cover, love your infectious enthusiasm!!

  5. Jenny - Oh, it was amazing! Cheers!

    Okobolover - Cheers! I hope you enjoy when you read it!

    Lauren - Oh, I hope it arrives soon! Bloody strikes! I hope you enjoy it when you do finally get it!

  6. I'm so glad you loved it too! I really enjoyed this one, and maybe because a lot more is happening in it, I thought that Fade was even better.

  7. Awesome, I am so looking forward to reading Fade! It sounds amazing!
