Saturday, 21 November 2009

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News: Radiant Shadows by Melissa Marr Cover Revealed

Melissa Marr revealed the cover for her next novel Radiant Shadows today, and here it is:

radiant shadows by melissa marr

Cool, huh? I think it's really pretty! And for those who don't know what the book is about, here's the synopsis:

Hunger for nourishment.
Hunger for touch.
Hunger to belong.

Half-human and half-faery, Ani is driven by her hungers. Those same appetites also attract powerful enemies and uncertain allies, including Devlin. He was created as an assassin and is brother to the faeries’ coolly logical High Queen and to her chaotic twin, the embodiment of War. Devlin wants to keep Ani safe from his sisters, knowing that if he fails, he will be the instrument of Ani’s death.

Ani isn’t one to be guarded while others fight battles for her, though. She has the courage to protect herself and the ability to alter Devlin’s plans—and his life. The two are drawn together, each with reason to fear the other and to fear for one another. But as they grow closer, a larger threat imperils the whole of Faerie. Will saving the faery realm mean losing each other?

Alluring romance, heart-stopping danger, and sinister intrigue combine in Melissa Marr’s next volume of Melissa Marr’s New York Times bestselling Wicked Lovely series.

Radiant Shadows is released 20th April 2010, and I really can't wait!


  1. I saw this cover last night and its just gorgeous.

  2. Isn't it! It's so awesome! I'm looking forward to reading this book! :)
