Thursday, 12 November 2009

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Author Signing: Luisa Plaja and Elen Caldecott in Exeter

I was nosing around on Luisa Plaja's website hoping to find any news on her next novel (Swapped by a Kiss, April 2010), when I found some great news for thos in the South West!

On Thursday 19th November, at the Children's Author's Roadshow Sout West, Luisa, along with Carnegie-longlisted author Elen Caldecott, will be signing books and giving book-buying advice at Waterstone's in Exeter (UK), during a special Christmas shopping evening.

So here are all the details:

Christmas Shopping Evening/Book Signing with Elen Caldecott and Luisa Plaja
Waterstone's Exeter Roman Gate
252 High Street,
EX4 3PZ,
Tel. 01392 423044
Thursday 19th November 2009
6:00PM - 7:30PM

I am extremely jealous of you Exeterians (I don't know if that's a word - if it isn't, it should be)! I have yet to meet Luisa, but I know she is a seriously lovely lady! I would so be there if I could, even though I'm lucky enough to already own signed copies.

If you can, you must go!


  1. I would be there too - I'm dying to meet Luisa!

  2. Hi Jo,
    Thanks so much for posting this! It should be a nice evening (and I'm looking forward to meeting Luisa too!) But just to let your readers know, we have amended the time slightly. It will be between 6-7.30pm. Hope to meet some of you on the night! Love, Elen.

  3. Thank you so much for posting this, Jo! I really wish I could meet you too, and Jenny. One day we'll all meet, I'm sure - can't wait!

    Elen, sorry I got the finish time wrong on my site! I've amended it now. I've been tweeting it too, so I'd better retweet with the correct time.

    Thanks again to Jo for posting this! I'm really looking forward to it.

  4. Elen - You're very welcome! It's no problem. I always like to make sure I let people know about signings in the UK as there are more US blogs than UK. I want to make sure people know about them! Time has been amended. Have a good time att he signing!

    Luisa - No problem! :) Yeah, we'll meet at some point! Will be good! Have a good time at the signing!
