Saturday 18 July 2009


Who Says What? Links on the Topic

I thought it would be interesting to take a look at what others have said on similar discussions across the internet.

SF Signal asks the question “Is Young Adult Science Fiction/Fantasy too Explicit?”, and several authors answer.

Sarah Ockler, author of Twenty Boy Summer, asks booksellers, librarians and teachers how they handle the YA novels with sexual content, and they answer in the comments.

Andrew Smith, author of Ghost Medicine, has two guest posts from a Random House editor and a writer and reader of YA for their opionion on Sex in YA.

R.J. Anderson, author of Faery Rebels, asks if there is a double standard when it comes to sex in YA and violence and gore in YA.

Chandra Rooney, author The Wild Hunt, talks about Sex in The YA novel.

BNet talks about Teen Pregnancy in Yound Adult Literature.

The DLA discusses abortion themes in YA.

Auto-Straddle talks about Lesbian YA novels.

Books Make Good Lovers also held a Teen Sex Month - check out her posts on the subject.

Sophie McKenzie, author of the All About Eve trilogy, talks about the sexual content in her novels.

YA Reads held a Gay and Lesbian Teen Reads event through June and July

ETA: Thanks to Nicole (tumble) for the heads up: A video of YA author Maureen Johnson discussing censorship and her novel The Bermudez Triangle.

Thanks to Lilibeth for the heads up about an article on CNN about people who want the extreme when it comes to books, including burning.

Thanks to Simmone Howell for letting me know about her own post, Why we Write About What we Write About, which discusses the topic.

If anyone knows of any other links, please share them! Thanks!

So, any thoughts on any of these articles? Any comments/points you want to make? Please share!


  1. Thanks for all the links!

  2. Those are great links - really interesting! I'm working my way through them slowly.

  3. I'm glad you're enjoying them! :)
