Thursday, 11 June 2009

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Calling YA Authors: Want to Chime In?

For Sex in Teen Lit Month, I'll be interviewing Luisa Plaja, Tanya Lee Stone, Sara Hantz, and Serena Robar on their books, sex in YA novels generally.

However, if there are any other YA authors, hell, even adult authors, who would like to chime in with their two cents on the subject - in any way they would like to interpret "sex in YA novels" as a discussion point - please feel free to email me at joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]come with your comments. I will then, depending on how many responces I get, post various posts with the authors comments throughout the month for everyone to read.

If any readers are on friendly terms with any authors they feel may be interested in chiming in, please don't hesitate on linking them to this post. Only if you think they'll be interested, mind, I don't want them feeling they've been spammed.

Thanks everyone.


  1. I can't wait for July :D

  2. Someone has some awards :)
