Thursday, 23 February 2017

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Heidi Heilig's MuggleNet Diverse Books Reading Challenge

Heidi Heilig's MuggleNet Diverse Books Reading Challenge

Heidi Heilig, YA author of The Girl From Everywhere and the forthcoming sequel The Ship Beyond Time, had a guest post on MuggleNet last week for their Author Takeover feature, A Reader’s Revolution Recs from Heidi Heilig where she shares 30 diverse recs. It's a wonderful list of YA and middle grade novels written by authors of colour and native authors. Within the post, Heidi says:
"Just imagine: what would your year look like if you read only marginalized authors? What would the world look like if we all did the same? And how many books do you read each year, anyway? If it’s more than 30, I challenge you to pick up every one of these."
Looking through the list, there are a fair number of books there I actually really liked the sound of, and with not one of this authors being caucasian, well... it's one of my own goals this year to read more authors of colour, and if I read all of these authors, I'm pretty sure I'd be well on my way to acheiving this goal. When I tweeted about giving this a go, Heilig thre down the gauntlet:

I have actually being challenged - dared - by an author. I can't exactly back down now, can I? So I'm taking up this challenge, and will record how I do in my reading challenges page.

How about you join me in taking up Heidi's challenge? Book mark the post, and see how many you can get through in a year!


  1. Good luck on the challenge! I just realized how not-diverse my reading repertoire is when I tried adding some diverse books to an article I was writing and realized how few I had read!

    1. Thank you! It can be quite shocking when you realise how few of something you've read, isn't it? It was like that when I realised I had only read one LGBTQ YA novel. So I was intentional in reading more LGBTQ YA novels. And that just generally led to more diverse novels. I've found my reading experience has been much richer since adding more diverse fiction to my TBR pile! :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
